"The World Is Burning, Let's Dance" EP by The X out 22nd April

For fans of: Bambie Thug, VNV Nation, and Nine Inch Nails

If the Luxembourgish electro-punk duo The X were a character in a cyberpunk movie, you'd find him amidst the smoky haze of a late-night after-hour club, dancing their way through a world both euphoric and melancholic.

Their first EP, "Some Beautiful Things Come from Dark Places", released on June 9th, 2023, exclusively on digital and cassette, seamlessly blends the futuristic with the nostalgic within their trip-pop domain.

Taking stages at events like Francofolies, Fêtes de la Musique in Luxembourg City and Echternach, Bieder Open Air, and Flow Festival, the duo doesn’t just perform; they beckon audiences into an experiential voyage.

Now, on the precipice of their next sonic chapter, The X is poised to premiere their second EP, “The World Is Burning, Let’s Dance”, in the live arena on April 13th, 2024, at Kulturfabrik Esch before a wide release on April 22nd, 2024. Described by the band as “The soundtrack to your burning world”, this forthcoming instalment promises a musical evolution – a weightier, more intense, socio-critical tone, while retaining its inherent danceable essence.

Prepare for an immersive dive into a world where music catalyses change, amplifies expression, and beckons you to dance amidst societal upheavals. The X invites you to experience their sonic revolution.




DISCIPLE B.C Announce Debut Album Blood. Power. Sacrifice. Released 7th June 2024 via Scene Report Records