Suffolk’s Megan Payne releases emotional new single ‘Alana’s Song’

Megan Payne is an eclectic multi-instrumentalist, composer, and songwriter from Suffolk. She plays a variety of instruments across a wide range of styles and genres. ‘Alana’s Song’ is her upcoming release; it is her first single, following her debut album, ‘Kicking My Shoes Off’, which was released three months prior. ‘Alana’s Song’ was written in December 2023. One of Megan’s friends, Alana, died, so she wrote this song for Alana and for herself as a way to work through what she was facing, having lost a friend for the first time.

This is an emotional song; it’s the raw thoughts and feelings Megan was facing at the time. This is an evocative piano/vocals track that has brought a number of people to tears upon hearing it. This is a song that people can identify with if they have lost someone, be it a friend or family member. Megan recorded this song in three takes: the piano was recorded in one take, then the vocals in two takes. This was to try and keep the authentic, emotional feel and sound of the song. The piano was performed by Megan Payne, and the vocals were provided by Annabelle Olivia.

Hopefully, this song can help others who have faced times like this, in mourning and reminiscing memories, and help as support to understand what they are feeling and how to work through these to express themselves and begin to heal.






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