SINGLE REVIEW: Strange Flowers - Gaze

Sydney, Australia's Strange Flowers, present their latest single, 'Gaze'. An eye-opening account of someone trapped in their own self-absorbed world.

An infectious Incubus comparable groove meets angular guitars, catchy riffs, driven drums, and distorted grunge-inspired bass. 'Gaze' is melodic, fuzzed-up, and compelling. Shifting from a DIY indie ethos to powerful metalcore-ish eruptions, it's a track that's addictive from the first listen. The bursts of fast pace guitars bring an extra dimension of intrigue to the song.

'Gaze' neatly combines genres to deliver a captivating dose of infectious rock. The vocals are stunning and beautifully melodic, with the perfect amount of rawness to allow pure emotion to flow.

The lyrics deal with the idea that sometimes people need to step outside their own self-obsessive lives and look at the world differently. At this point, they would realise it is time for change, to stop destroying themselves and everyone around them. The idea that unless evolution is forthcoming, those close to you will begin to question why they remain when all someone is doing is lying and continuing down their destructive path.

'Gaze' is a fantastic shape-shifting song. Hazy but driven, the songwriting is pristine, and the sound is catchy and alluring. The Strange Flower lads have found the perfect formula of drive, determination, and accessibility. It's a belter of a tune!


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