SINGLE REVIEW: Wonderfuzzy - Heartbeat Lullaby

Wonderfuzzy's 'Heartbeat Lullaby' is a beautiful indie-folk track with sweet, thoughtful vocals that have stunning clarity and captivating tenderness. The overall tone of the song is wonderfully melodic and plodding. There are chugging chords and twinkling guitars giving 'Heartbeat Lullaby' the feeling of a heartfelt, dreamy fairytale.

The lyrics take a look at mental health struggles, feelings of anxiety, and insecurities. It also channels the idea that when you've found your person the closeness you feel with them somehow allows your internal traumas to temporarily melt away; "lay here and close your eyes, and let our dreams combine, all our worries set aside, for a little while". It's a beautifully sincere lyric that conveys the idea that even in the darkest times there's always something that can allow a moment's peace.

Wonderfuzzy have a beautiful sound, soft and charming they take influence from the hazy folk of the 60s while also adding a level of intensity and modern-day relevance. 'Heartbeat Lullaby' is a soundscape of feelings but also provides a dreamy, laid-back summertime vibe.


I'm Amy a Norfolk girl, currently residing at the seaside.

Age: eternally 21 (I’m really Peter Pan!).

By day I'm a Leaks, Condensation, Damp and Mould Resident Liaison Officer and by night I'm CRB's admin bitch, reviewer extraordinaire, point and hope for the best photographer, paperclip monitor and expert at breaking anything technical then expecting Scott to fix it!

I'm into all kinds of music the more obscure the better (my music taste is definitely better than yours 🤪😜) with my fave band being The Wonder Years.

I'm an Ipswich Town fan and have an unhealthy obsession with hedgehogs!




SINGLE REVIEW: Thirsty Curses - I Never Learn