SINGLE REVIEW: Buzhold - Shoe Case

Buzhold's 'Shoe Case' embarks on a captivating journey, seamlessly blending the melancholic allure of shoegaze with a powerful deluge of noise rock and grunge distortion. The result is a sonic masterpiece that transcends the conventional boundaries of a song, evolving into a deeply moving and enthralling piece of art.

The track's brilliance lies in the artful contrast between atmospheric elements and a robust, powerful rock energy. This dynamic interplay creates a sound that is both intricate and forceful. Strategic moments of sparseness enhance the overall artistic quality, lifting ‘Shoe Case’ above the realm of ordinary musical compositions.

Amidst the layers of sound, nuanced details evoke a profound sense of artistic expression, transforming the listening experience into a journey beyond a mere song. Buzhold has skillfully crafted a piece that captivates attention and sustains its hold with immersive qualities. ‘Shoe Case’ stands as a testament to the band's exceptional ability to create music that resonates on a profound and emotional level.


I'm Amy a Norfolk girl, currently residing at the seaside.

Age: eternally 21 (I’m really Peter Pan!).

By day I'm a Leaks, Condensation, Damp and Mould Resident Liaison Officer and by night I'm CRB's admin bitch, reviewer extraordinaire, point and hope for the best photographer, paperclip monitor and expert at breaking anything technical then expecting Scott to fix it!

I'm into all kinds of music the more obscure the better (my music taste is definitely better than yours 🤪😜) with my fave band being The Wonder Years.

I'm an Ipswich Town fan and have an unhealthy obsession with hedgehogs!


SINGLE REVIEW: Great Embarrassing Music - Another Day


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