Nasalrod Release New Song from Split with Victims Family

Portland's Nasalrod just released the first song off their split LP with Victims Family ahead of their north west tour (see Week In Pop premiere)....

Listen/Post: Get A Life (Or A Coffin)

When Santa Rosa legends Victims Family crossed paths with outlandish PDX spazz-rockers Nasalrod, both bands knew that they’d found kindred spirits in one another.


Despite each bands’ own distinct and singular sound, they share a genre-bending, aggressive, and theatrical approach to their hectic, eclectic punk songwriting. After embarking on several mini-tours together, the strong commonality and personal rapport between the two bands has culminated in their upcoming full-length split LP on Nadine Records entitled Victims Family & Nasalrod in the Modern Meatspace (out March 22nd). Each band serves up 5 twisted, technical, and topical songs which somehow manage to display a healthy dose of humor while tackling subjects such as mass shootings, police brutality, religious manipulation, impermanence, impending apocalypse and much more.


Formed in 1984 by guitarist/vocalist Ralph Spight and bassist Larry Boothroyd, Victims Family has been playing their exhilarating concoction of jazz/ punk/ funk/ metal/ math rock for decades; carrying the hardcore, virtuosic torch (both lyrically and musically) of bands such as NoMeansNo, Minutemen, and Dead Kennedys. The upcoming LP features the band’s classic Alternative Tentacles line-up of Spight, Boothroyd, and Tim Solyan on drums. Victims Family has toured extensively in Europe and across the US, sharing stages with the likes of Nirvana, Primus, and Mr. Bungle.


Described by The Deli Magazine contributor Tracy Mamoun as “surprising, experimental, and fun like rock n’ roll should be,” Nasalrod is a collaborative vision. The intensity of drummer Spit Stix (a founding member of the seminal L.A. punk band FEAR) is a major driving force behind this ferocious art-punk quartet. Lead singer Chairman’s sneering, kooky yet soulful vocals soar over a sound that is simultaneously convulsive, melodic and violent. Spit Stix, guitaristMustin Douch, and bassist Mandy Morgan provide a sonic backdrop that is the demented and freakish heart of the band. This latest batch of songs sees them adding instances of 3-part vocal harmony to their audio stockpile. Armed with their notoriously frantic live show, Nasalrod has shared stages with acts such as Mudhoney, Melt-Banana, Mike Watt, D.O.A., and Big Business.



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