Council Records Announces Upcoming Release of Omega Glory LP and Releases First Single

Council Records has announced that they will release the upcoming Omega Glory LP and have premiered the first single (see Decibel premiere)...

Listen/Post: "Cut Adrift"

After the darkness of 2020 passed, guitarist Brian Meehan emerged with 6 songs that were a therapy session of sorts for him. Meehan, who’s been in a ton of bands (Kill Your Idols, Celebrity Murders and Milhouse etc) needed an outlet during those dark times, and Omega Glory was it. The songs were meant to just be just a recording project, but after Brian contacted his old friend and former band mate Sean McCann (Herjaza, Celebrity Murders) to sing on the recording, they both thought they could do much more. After the songs went up on Bandcamp, Brian got a call from Greg Ernst aka Elway (CR, Sleeper, Murdock, Celebrity Murders, Bastard Sapling) who said, “I don’t know what you are planning with this band with Sean, but I’m in!” This worked out perfectly because Brian had written the drums with Elway in mind. The three played together in Celebrity Murders previously and missed playing together with the power and energy that that band had. Enter bassist Edmund Kump (Ltpbtpmf) who Brian worked with for years,and shared a love of dark, deranged music, Edmund was a perfect fit.

The band who play as much as time allows go into every practice, every show with one thing in mind, destroy everything in front of them. The first 12” which was self titled and came out on State of Mind Recordings was a compilation of 2 eps and 2 new songs and was very well received. In 2024 the world will hear the first proper Lp called “offerings” 16 songs of unrelenting power and speed. The band in the past has been compared to the likes of Nails and Black B reath, which is a huge compliment for the band, but if you were to ask Brian where this all comes from he would say more along the lines of Dissection and Morbid Angel with NYHC mixed in. What will the future bring? Hopefully Omega Glory to your town, hopefully more records and hopefully the recognition they deserve.



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