
Today, Click Roll Boom is catching up with James Bayliffe of UK nu-metal outfit InRetrospect. The band has just unleashed their latest sonic assault with their new single, “MiSunderSTooD!” This powerhouse track marks the band's second release under the freshly-established UK-based label, Passion Eight Records (Issues, Between You And Me), heralding a new chapter in their career. Drawing inspiration from the likes of genre titans Limp Bizkit and Skindred, InRetrospect has carved a niche for themselves in the music scene with their electrifying fusion of rap and metal. Their unique sound has garnered acclaim from esteemed outlets including BBC Radio 1, Kerrang!, and Metal Hammer, solidifying their status as a force to be reckoned with.

Could you share how your band first came together? What initially sparked the collaboration?

The band first came together back in 2019 when a couple of our original members left and myself (James) and guitarist Jerome were sort of left in the dark with what this project was going to be in the long term. We wanted to progress with it as we were passionate but finding like minded musicians in smaller towns is really challenging. 

I was currently living in Leeds, UK at the time and remembered that the drummer from my first ever band had a brother who lived in Leeds who was a guitar player and did backing vocals but had never sung in a band before. 

That guy is Nathan who's been our front man for the last 4 years and we can't express how grateful and inspiring his inception into the band was. From that same original band all the way back when, we had a bass player who lived in Grimsby with myself and the other members, he had also moved to Leeds and was in another project. As soon as we approached him with the idea of joining, he took some time to think as he was apart of other projects from that time. Following a few more conversation Toby ended up filling in last minute for our first ever line up of InRetrospect playing with Heart of a Coward in Leeds and hopefully, I'd like to think hasn't looked back since haha. Finally Gimo used to play in a band with Nathan back in the day and they actually supported InRetrospect at our first ever, hometown headline show and me and Jerome were just in awe of the chops this guy had. Some time passed and we went with another drummer as Gimo was committed to other projects, but a little later down the line when we parted ways with our second drummer, he was all gas and wanted to be on board. It's crazy, like a little supergroup of all our first ever bands merging together.

Who would you say has influenced your music the most, and are there any less obvious influences you draw from?

Over the years we've tried to put a pin in what it is we actually do yknow? We've switched up from our Metalcore/Tech Metal influences which are really present in our first EP and harnessed some more natural influences for our current sound moving forward. I remember my uncle showing me Korn, Coal Chamber and Machine Head back when I was 10 and thinking, that's it, that's what I fucking want. Most of the band actually resonate with these influences so it only seems right that this is our natural progression. 

Could you walk us through your songwriting process? How do you typically go from an initial idea to a finished track?

We have a bit more of a sporadic process with writing. Myself and Jerome tend to sit down seperatly and just fill our google drive with demos, riffs, ideas, anything really. We ask for constant feedback as me and jerome are quite critical of our own stuff which I don't think is a bad thing but sometimes a bit of reassurance that "Oh actually, this riff/chorus is fucking tight, lets do that". 

Once we've landed on something we try to explore all angles we can come at it from before taking it to our producer Mike Bennett who, by the way, is actually our biggest critic. He's not afraid to tell us when we suck or if somethings not right and we love him for that. We spend usually 2-3 days tracking songs in the studio and adding the final touches and then he usually drops us the finished track for alterations 2 weeks after. It's nice and it works for us. 

What do you aim to convey in your live performances? Is there a particular vibe or energy you strive to bring to your shows?

The whole ethos that we're trying to convey, is that you only get one shot a being alive, so you have to live everyday like it's your last and make the most of the little things. That show for us and those connections with our audience are what drive us to spread that message to anyone that can hear us. 

I think metal as a genre on a whole has always had a stereotype of just being depressing and about sadness and blah blah blah but people just tend not to look beneath the surface of what things mean. We want to exploit that stereotype and put it too bed. Metal just a fraction of the music that is out there, for everybody, it's empowering and it's there to be enjoyed in any form you choose. 

How do interactions with your fans influence your music and performances? Can you share a memorable experience with a fan?

Gimo always bring's his boys down to our Leeds shows and let me tell you, I've never seen a group of guys go as hard as these fucking guys go, it's crazy. We've met people at shows that have travelled from as far as London & Scotland to see us at shows no where near them. That's what makes it for us, it's all about family, the love and connection we share with every single person at our shows. 

What can you tell us about your latest project? What themes or sounds were you exploring with this new release?

We're currently in the middle of releasing what's going to be our sophomore EP, which we actually never intended to release as an EP but for some reason these tracks just gel together and when we took a step back and look at the singles and videos as a whole we were like, that's so stupid of us it makes total sense as an EP. 

I think this new project is definitely the catalyst in getting our message out there, it's too help people feel good on those shitty days, tell that person who's been grilling you about nothing to fuck off and we want it too be peoples equivalent of dutch courage. 

Every band faces challenges, whether it's creating music or on tour. Could you share one significant challenge you've overcome and what it taught you?

I think for me it's choosing our battles, tours at this point have been squeezed into tight mini vans and sweaty venues which, don't get me wrong I love. But sometimes little cracks in the armour can seem bigger than they appear and for me, I've definitely learnt that reflecting on a situation before reacting is the healthiest way to do it when theres a gripe within the band. We're all so similar and have so much love for each. My dad actually said me and Nathan could be brothers because we tear into each other so much. It's all love though 

Looking ahead, what are some goals or aspirations you have for the band? Are there new musical directions you're excited to explore?

I believe for us as a band, this EP we're releasing maybe sometime soon but definitely not confirming anything right here... anyway. This message we're exploring and sharing with everybody is just the tip of the iceberg, we're looking to evolve and pushing our passions, influences right off the cliff. Mainly because we're excited to see what lies beyond and how far we can really push ourselves. 

Outside of music, what influences or inspires you? Are there books, films, or artworks that resonate with your band's ethos?

So sadly, I'm not a big book guy. Films i'm massively into, anything by Christopher Nolan is an immediate tick for me, but I just love the atmosphere and visuals he creates to convey his story. If I could apply that level of expression to our music that would be a dream come true. 

If you had one message or piece of advice to share with your fans, what would it be?

One piece of advice, I mean I don't know if theres anything good that would come from me to be honest haha. Maybe just... be your fucking self, and if people don't like it. Tell them to fuck off. Because they're negative ass attitude shouldn't infringe on your self expression. Peace. 


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