Indie-Rock Visionary Stefan West Explores the Essence of Freedom and Purpose in 'Take What You Need'

Based in the coastal city of Geelong in Victoria, Australia, indie artist, Stefan West, is set to release his highly anticipated single, "Take What You Need" on 1st September, 2023, serving as the first glimpse into Stefan's transformative full-length debut album, "Cambridge".


Fusing alt rock, indie rock, and pop rock elements, Stefan's music captivates listeners with its moving and candid storytelling. "Take What You Need" delves into the experiences of giving oneself entirely to situations, be it in business, romance, or friendships, only to be drained and betrayed when the expectations that have been imposed upon them aren’t met. The song's emotive lyrics culminate in a soul-searching question, "can't you see we're all the same?" Stefan pleads for understanding and recognition that beneath it all, we are all striving for freedom and purpose.


Behind "Take What You Need" lies Stefan West's personal journey of resilience and redemption. Stefan's life took a tumultuous turn as he battled addiction, feeling trapped and isolated in the darkness of his struggles. Yet, amidst this desolation, music became his saving grace, offering him a lifeline to express his pain, confusion, and ultimate triumph over adversity. It was during this period of recovery that Stefan turned to meditation and yoga as vehicles for self-discovery and inner healing.


These practices became essential tools in his quest to reclaim his life and find newfound purpose through his music.


The creative process behind "Take What You Need" was a cathartic experience for Stefan. He collaborated with Aaron Schembri to channel his emotions and life experiences into the song's evocative lyrics, capturing the essence of his personal battles and triumphs. The recording and production, handled by Chris Gatz at GM Sound Studios, bring out the raw emotions embedded within the song.


“This song was actually written whilst working a trade job around 3 years ago in the beginning of covid. I remember climbing up and down a ladder to voice note different lines of the verse. I then fleshed the song out further with Aaron Schembri, before going in to record it with Chris at the end of 2021.” – Stefan West


Stefan West's music is an embodiment of his own life's ups and downs, with his upcoming album, "Cambridge" being an intimate exploration of his journey to recovery and self-discovery. While his influences include bands like Blink 182, The Killers, and The Rolling Stones, it's Stefan's authenticity and vulnerability that make his music truly stand out.


Beyond his musical pursuits, Stefan is an advocate for mental health awareness and addiction recovery, utilising his platform to inspire and uplift others facing similar struggles.


As "Take What You Need" prepares to make its debut, Stefan West invites music enthusiasts and fans alike to join him on this emotional and transformative musical journey. The single will be available on all major streaming platforms from 1st September, 2023.



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