BC's THE HAPTICS Illuminate the Depths of Mental Health with Latest Release 'Zeroes': A Heartfelt Tribute to Shared Journeys and Unyielding Unity

BC's THE HAPTICS Illuminate the Depths of Mental Health with Latest Release 'Zeroes': A Heartfelt Tribute to Shared Journeys and Unyielding Unity

Zeroes: Anyone who's spent time in psychiatric care, especially in a hospital setting, knows the hopelessness of their long hallways and empty gazes. But there's also a powerful unity in suffering together, even at your lowest point. That's what inspired these words and propels this song to its conclusion, which is an acknowledgement of a mental health patient that Jin met years ago who unfortunately passed during her care. - explains the band.


*Note*: The song is temporarily under the name Zero Gravity on the streaming platforms, this is in error and will be changed shortly, we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Zero Gravity is a 3 song EP that includes Zeroes. The Ep will be released soon as well.



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The Haptics formed in 2022, united by a love for post-punk. Based in Vancouver, their music blends dark post-punk beats with Alternative Rock and Grunge. Their name signifies a focus on sensory experiences. Influenced by Joy Division and The Cure, they modernize the genre. Their live shows captivate with high energy and introspective lyrics. The debut album from late 2022 received acclaim for emotion and instrumentals. The band is involved in visual arts, reflecting their aesthetic. Strong social media presence and collaborations have expanded their fanbase. The Haptics' willingness to experiment keeps their sound fresh.



Jin - Vocals

Cam - Guitar

Brent - Bass

Flavio - Drums


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