Worth the wait: Jim Wirth’s musical journey culminates in release ofenergetic single; album soon to follow

Just like the title says, American singer/songwriter Jim Wirth might claim that producing the final version of his debut single took Forever and a Day. The lyrics came easy enough, but capturing the sound he wanted took a little longer. 

“We fully orchestrated the song, enlisting the talents of Terry Herald, an award-winning arranger,” Wirth says. “We knew we were dealing with a good sound because listeners of Fox2 Detroit’s annual Fox Rocks named it the best song.” 

Described as having a “special energy,” Forever and a Day captures Wirth’s essence as a songwriter. Playing guitar and writing songs are his lifelong passion. He combines intricate chord patterns with thoughtful and insightful lyrics. He is a master at “turning a phrase,” and he often incorporates orchestra pieces to complement his melodies. His sound is reminiscent of the 1970s and ‘80s. 

Wirth’s music journey has evolved from playing in a rock trio to incorporating a fourth musician who enhanced vocals and instrumentation to fronting symphony orchestras in self-produced productions. 

“I’ll never regret the experience of playing in a three-piece band,” Wirth says. “You learn to create a sound that fills and covers like the larger bands produce.” 

Wirth is currently working on an album due to be released this fall. His music can be found on his website, www.jimwirth.com, Spotify, YouTube and Apple Music.


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