Victor Sierra's new single: 'The Lost Symphony' - out June 9th

Victor Sierra leads you into a vaporous and multicolored universe through unexplored paths down to a future that could have been... In a bloody sky, the airship Hydrogen Queen keeps a steady pace while very special trains can fly leaving the road not taken. On stage, the Legendary Converted Princess's and Commander Bob and Pilot X-Ray's energies invite you to go beyond the horizon line, to be stirred in unison and to live unpredictable experiences. Enter Victor Sierra's universe... 

Commander Bob: 

Co-founder of the steampunk band Victor Sierra. (Code name after the cryptic alphabet of legendary flying Dutchmen) Hydrogen Queen airship commander Enjoys questions answering questions, Bourbon whiskey, unsolvable equations and particular music instruments. Knows several languages dead or alive. Doesn't like to be disturbed when flying high in currents of inspiration. Likes to convert improbable ideas in impossible visions. Sometimes his lyrics remain obscure, even to him, which is a good thing because the obvious is boring. Highly unpredictable. 

The Legendary Converted Princess: 

Co-founder of the same band. The legendary converted princess crossingthe road not taken. Usually disagrees with the commander and likes to drive him nuts, often arguing on smart basis and amplified nonsenses. Loves poetry of the living past. Enjoys Rum, distorted guitar sounds and seas of every colors. Sew clothes with the stuff steam is made of. Wears Chinese red lipstick. Highly reliable. 

Pilot X-Ray: 

AWOL, coming in from the cold Leninostock, Siberia, Badlands, trained on atomic airships by Colonel Gagarine and Leopold Trepper. Despite his Golem-ish look, he's a stateless joyous chap, a skeleton dressed with dreams. Victor Sierra's new sidekick: Pilot X-Ray. He flies the airship Hydrogen Queen over uncharted territories. Highly expendable. 

About the Show 

VICTOR SIERRA are a trio of musical perfomers who's live shows and albums have received critical and audience acclaim from fans, journalists and fellow musicians in their field. They started searching the Secret Pages but soon they extended their endeavor on a road not taken full of electricity and rain where bridges to nowhere are easily crossed... Storm after storm, hurricane after hurricane, Panic rose in the Hydrogen Queen Gondola but they stayed on course and made it to unknown territories. Hunted down by armies of villains and hordes of pirates they crossed an anomaly to a parallel world and found shelter in De Stern where they met other themselves and drank to Yesterday's Tomorrows... Codes 501 fill the trash-can... last news they sent has been "X" classified... They are... VICTOR SIERRA! They travel your world... They travel your space... They travel your time... and maybe did you attend one of their gigs: in North America... in Deadlands... in New YiddishLand, or even in the Austrasian Empire... 

What people are saying

'Victor Sierra are where music meets literature. The weaving of lyrics to create worlds are what sets them apart.' John Naylor - Director of 'The Asylum' (UK) 

'Victor Sierra are a wonderful musical steampunk adventure with the ability to enchant the senses, enthral the imagination and delight even a clockwork soul!' Atticus Oldman -Steampunk Almanac (UK) 

'Deep music with a razor's edge that moves you body and soul, and spans three centuries!' Travis Sivart - Talk of the Tavern radio show (US) 

'Die Steamunk Band mit dem größten stilistischen Spektrum und den meisten Überraschungen mit jedem. neuen Album und einer grandiosen Bühnenpräsenz' Marcus Gilman - Daily Steampunk (Germany) 

'Victor Sierra blends classic Steampunk themes with stellar musicianship; they don't just have a Steampunk look or a great Steampunk following - they also have the songwriting and sound to back it up!'  - Jeff Mach-Steampunk World's Fair (US) 

'Victor Sierra's music, lyrics, and storyline gives the feel of flying into a battle at dawn! Great music and high adventure in a single Steampunk package' Ramon del Mar - Art of Steampunk (US) 

'Victor Sierra brasse un mélange très riche et unique de musique sombre et flamboyante. Sans conteste le groupe steampunk à suivre. Je souhaiterais embarquer plus souvent à bord de la Hydrogen Queen!' Arthur Morgan - La France Steampunk (FR)


Secret Page (EP-210) Electric Rain (CD-2011) Panic in the Gondola (Single-2012) Yesterday's Tomorrow (CD-2013) The X-mas Case (Single 2014) Angels roll out the Night (Single-2014) Go for the Strange (CD-2015) The Manchurian Pass (CD-2018) Imperfect Meridians (CD-2020) 

The outstanding third album from Parisian steampunk maestros Victor Sierra is amasterpiece of adrenaline fuelled, industrial inspired rhythm that simply defies you not to make merry and dance. (Atticus Oldman - Steampunk Almananc - Scotland -UK) 

Victor Sierra's journey towards the unknown continues on their third studio album Go for the Strange on which the French Steampunks keep true to their extraordinary sound. (André Savetier's blog/Slovenia) 

Go for the Strange is Victor Sierra's best album to date, a sprawling, beautifully produced album that has something to say about the world. Crafted in many languages, both lyrically and musically, it speaks singularly in Victor Sierra's unique and powerful voice. Climb on aboard the Hydrogen

Queen and experience Victor Sierra's world. (Mark Rossmore - 

...As small melodic cells build to a big, thunderous statement with Anouk exploiting the very bottom of her register before rising through the chorus. And driving it all, that heavy, relentless and utterly compelling beat, the sound of one of the most exciting steampunk albums of the year. (Paul Pelkonen - Strange Engines - USA) 

Victor Sierra have delivered another outstanding album, their best to date, I think. Let's hope it will put them in the spotlight and give them the popularity in the Steampunk scene they truly deserve!  (Marcus Gillman - Traveler's Steampunk Blog - Germany) 

Eclectic, multicultural and multilinguistic, electronic, industrial, found-instrument sounding, patched and welded together of wonderful and weird musical styles and traditions, into a distinctive, and wondrous sound. You don't need to see the "steampunk" in Victor Sierra's music - it paints the perfect example of it in your mind. (JM Frey's blog - Canada)


"Steampunk" (sold w/Blood in the Skies by Gd Falksen) 2010 (USA) The League of Steam - 2014 - (USA)

Au bout du Monde 2012 -(Lux) 

Steampunk Records Compilation - 2016 - (UK) 

Victor Sierra's music for Web series: Song in "Dirigible Days" (USA) Tales of a Broken Reality (USA)

PAST SHOWS (amongst many others): 

A huge amount of live-stream show during the pandemic 2020-2021 Festival Vapor 2019 (Portugal) - Steampunk Con 2019 (USA) Swiss Steampunk Days 2019 (Switzerland) - Hastings Circus 2019 (UK) Stroud Steampunk Weekend 2019 (UK) - Steampunk Seaside Spectacular (UK) Anno 1900 2019 (Luxemburg) - Steampunk Cabaret Concert (UK) The Asylum 2016 & 2017 (UK) - Bannermans Bar 2018(Scotland) Northstar Rising 2018 (Durham-UK) - Hebden Steampunk Weekend 2018 (UK) Wellifest 2018 (UK) - Lille 3000 2015 (FR) - La Boule Noire 2014 (FR) Bal Paradoxal 2014 (FR) - Phantasium 2013 (NL) - Euro Steam Con 2012(Luxemburg) Steam Rocket Tour 2012(FR) - Steampunk World's Fair 2012 (USA) Lugdunum Steampunk Imaginarium 2011 (FR) - Batofar 2010(FR) 


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