The Toshers: Debut single of the Folk-Punk Newcomers

The Toshers formed during the Covid pandemic in 2022 and their music is characterized by driving punk rock, cleverly interwoven with traditional reels and hornpipes. The band's lyrics reflect life in all its facets - from the first drink to one drink too many, from wanderlust and homesickness, from loss and social coldness, but also from friendship and the lust for life. 
The five members of the band, who began their stage presence in spring 2023, represent a diverse mix of musical backgrounds. With 20 years of punk rock experience, classical music training and all-night folk sessions, they create a unique fusion of old and new melodies, snotty vocals and sweet fiddle. 
In addition to live performances, a studio visit was on the agenda in 2023, and fans can look forward to the release of the first songs in summer 2024. The Toshers' music touches the heart, but also the kidneys, and their songs tell of the bright and dark days in life.


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