The searing debut single 'Lizzy' by indie band The Rogues - OUT ON MAY 26TH

The Rogues are 5-piece indie band from Newport, South Wales. Their debut single 'Lizzy' is OUT ON MAY 26TH. They have spent the last 12 months relentlessly gigging Wales and England, building up a loyal army of ever growing fans along the way. So far the band have kept everyone waiting for studio recorded music...until now! 'Indie' music, whatever that might be, is ubiquitous, but every now and then a band pops up that really excites and conjures up songs that stay wedged in your head. The Rogues is that band.

A few words about 'Lizzy' from singer and lyricist Andrew Flannelly: 

"Lyrically, the song’s inspiration is from a girl who lives a wild lifestyle, but is searching for more in her life than drunken nights out, casual sex and rejection.

Even though the song is uplifting and fast paced, light is shone on the fact that there is a sense of vulnerability and sadness that goes with her social routines.

The song developed further when the rousing riff was added, which runs throughout, almost travelling parallel with the feelings

and intoxicating ways of “LIZZY.”

The music mirrors her turbulent lifestyle, with the drums, bass and rhythm guitar stopping, starting and building up momentum throughout the song.

With the amalgamation of lonely and isolated lyrics, together with fast paced pop rock, it makes for the perfect debut single.

 The Rogues are:

Andrew Flannelley - Acoustic guitar/Vocals

Rhodri Eley - Lead Guitar

Alex Ainsworth - Rhythm Guitar

Ben Slade - Bass

James Mundy - Drums

Lizzy was recorded by Tom Auton at Longwave Studios, Cardiff.


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