The doom metal/post-sludge veterans from O Zorn! are back and announce new album

The doom metal/post-sludge veterans from O Zorn! are back and announce new album

O ZORN! Released their album "Your Killer" on March 20th, 2020. To coincide with this release, a record release show was scheduled at The Wayfayer in Costa Mesa California. The show was sold out. Their label, Seeing Red Records, was flying in from Cleveland. Album reviews were pouring in. The band was pumped, and couldn’t wait to hit the pavement to start sharing this new material with the world. That all got shut down. The day before their big day, the State of California, ordered the cancellation of all public events. The record release show would not happen. All of the future shows that were scheduled, would not happen. The Corona Virus put an end to all of it. All the band could do was continue to rehearse and hope that the ban would lift, and they could get back to business. That of course, never happened.

The Pandemic didn’t look to be ending anytime soon, so Kielty decided that writing and recording a new album would be best, to keep things moving forward. So it began, the two members of O ZORN! would begin hashing out rough sketches of what would be a new record. Fast forward to December 2021. Both Kielty and Eglit, fly cross country to Tampa Florida to start recording the new material with producer Ryan Boesch (Foo Fighters. Andrew WK, Whores, Melvins) at his Candor Studios.

2022 found Kielty, flying back and forth to Tampa, to try and make up for the lost sessions. Thankfully, the time that was spent in the studio the past December, they were able to track all of the drums. Which made things a little easier, but with the long distance working relationship, progress was held up a bit. However, both Kielty and Boesch stayed focused and are now putting the finishing touches on the new album, and are gearing up for a release of their first single, “Golden Features” which will come early Summer of this year, along with a video.

In addition to a new album, Kielty enlisted local Southern California musicians Justin Suitor on lead guitar and bassist Justin Morales. Both from previously mentioned band, Painted Wives. O ZORN! is once again complete, and cannot wait to share their new music. Look for the new album in late 2023.

Listen to O Zorn!:




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