THE DEADNOTES Return With Video For New Single ‘Reservoir’ Released 13th September 2024 via Grand Hotel van Cleef

Released 13th September 2024 via Grand Hotel van Cleef

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September 2024 "I Wanna Be Your Best Friend, Bonnie" Showcase Tour

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There are countless rock and roll clichés. Most of them are outdated, no longer relevant—if they ever were—and obsolete. But there is one fundamental truth: the volume, the late nights, the brutally honest lyrics, that feeling of what rock and roll can mean…it can save you, no matter what. It can show you the way, help you get back on your feet. Those who have felt it know it to be true.

German indie-pop duo THE DEADNOTES have written songs about just that. One of them, the coming-of-age story on new single ‘Reservoir’, will be released on 13th September 2024. After years of DIY releases on their own label, this will be their first release through Hamburg-based indie label Grand Hotel van Cleef (Propagandhi, Death Cab For Cutie).

Driven by a pulsing keyboard and surf guitar, ‘Reservoir’ feels like a convertible ride on an American highway, where the initial unease in your stomach—all of the worries—disappear with every mile, and a sense of euphoria, a carefree courage, gradually takes the wheel and drives you far away from all your problems. It makes perfect sense that their new sound now ventures far from what fans of the band may expect, but it couldn’t be more fitting.

Darius Lohmüller and Jakob Walheim, who have been making music together since childhood, are the Bonnie & Clyde at the ‘Reservoir’. Their deep friendship has taught them to embrace the complexities of relationships between people.

"I realised at some point: surprisingly, in pop music, there are shockingly few songs about the fact that it can work—to maintain a healthy relationship with an ex-partner, or former love, and truly become friends. To find a new level of connection. There’s this toxic male narrative that nothing else should or can develop from a romantic relationship—but that’s nonsense! Even though I often tend to, and love, driving things into the ground, it doesn’t always have to end in total loss. It’s possible, if both sides are willing, and they commit to the work, effort, and challenges," says Darius Lohmüller (vocals & guitar).

Following a run of UK co-headline tour dates with Watford anarcho-punks Nervus and their own UK headline dates in 2023, with ‘Reservoir’ and many other unreleased new songs in tow, THE DEADNOTES will embark on a short "I Wanna Be Your Best Friend, Bonnie" showcase tour in September 2024 including dates with rising Dutch indie-pop prospects Snow Coats.

At four headline shows in Berlin, Bremen, Cologne, and Utrecht, the band—joined on stage by drummer Felix Overhoff and multi-instrumentalist Paul Hofer-Bottomley for selected performances—will present the new material they've been working on since their last EP Forever Outsider.

Anyone who is aware that the band has already played around 600 shows across the European mainland since their formation knows this won’t be limited to just these four concerts...

New single ‘Reservoir’ is released 13th September 2024 via Grand Hotel Van Cleef

September 2024 "I Wanna Be Your Best Friend, Bonnie" Showcase Tour Dates:

20.09.24 - Festival des Musiques Malfamées 2024 - Nancy, France
23.09.24 - Monarch Bar - Berlin, Germany
25.09.24 - Bürgerhaus Weserterrassen - Bremen, Germany
26.09.24 - Stereo Wonderland - Cologne, Germany (w/ Snow Coats)
29.09.24 - ACU - Utrecht, Netherlands (w/ Snow Coats)


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