Sonic Beast: A Roar of Authenticity in the Music Scene

Have you ever felt the need to explore new horizons, instead of getting stuck in the nostalgia of times gone by? Sonic Beast is the answer to that question, a band born from the friendship between four veterans of the Spanish underground scene. 

Alfred (Illinoise) on bass, Chris (Bad Mongos) on guitar and vocals, Roger (No More Lies) on drums and Xavi (Bullitt) on guitar and vocals too, are the talents behind this exciting musical adventure. 

Sonic Beast, a band with an organic sound, driven by dynamic and atmospheric guitars that would surely please ears as demanding as Bob Mould's, is a band that has spent months of work to achieve their current sound. The recording, mixing and mastering of the album was in the hands of the talented brothers Santi Garcia and Victor from Ultramarinos, who achieved a hypnotic sound and a spectacular production. 

In their debut album, Sonic Beast presents a solid wall of sound built on a forceful rhythmic base, with guitars that dialogue with each other in an enriching way. The vocals, full of strength and passion, explore themes ranging from everyday tribulations to love and heartbreak, frustrations and the choice to live on the fringes of convention. 

The album features eleven tracks that offer a range of emotions and sound textures. From the explosive beginnings of "Can't Take It", the ticking time bombs in "Hazed and Confused" to the melodic moments of "It's A Trap", each song is an experience in itself.

Sonic Beast is not just a band, it's a statement that music can be fresh and exciting even after years of experience. 

Listen to Sonic Beast and get ready for a new sound in the music scene!




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