SINGLE REVIEW: SilvR - Medusa Woz Here
Swirling guitars introduce 'Medusa Woz Here' as uncoordinated gang vocals clash against a jagged musical backdrop of erratic, noisy sounds. The wonderfully melodic indie vocals establish a captivating rhythm within this sea of chaos. It's as if the words and music don't naturally belong together, yet somehow, they work in harmony, shifting your focus as the song progresses.
At times, you're drawn to the raw but rich quality of the voice, dissecting the lyrics, while at other times, you're entranced by the rugged background with screeching riffs and explosive drums. 'Medusa Woz Here' is pure chaos, loud and disordered, seemingly uncertain of its direction, yet it bombards you with a cascade of sounds, grabbing your attention and leaving you in a state of "WTF" once it's done!