SINGLE REVIEW: FoxSleep - Fordone

Cardiff's FoxSleep (aka Jason Morgan) contemplates things he should do less of, the bad habits society often dismisses as harmless, on his new single 'Fordone'.

Coming in on a blackened bassline and tentative drums the sound thickens with the introduction of simple guitars mounting into a deluge of beautiful strings to create a symphony of powerfulness. It's an interesting listen, pairing progressive indie with DIY, bedroom rock rawness with a grand, bold sound that could almost be likened to symphonic metal. Growing and reducing throughout it's a tapestry of shifting vibes and styles.

Jason's voice is wonderful, polished but not to the point it loses feeling or realness. The slight imperfections and hints of a Welsh accent bring 'Fordone' to life, making it inviting and accessible.

The Lyrics channel thoughts about simple bad habits that should really be kicked, stuff that is not that bad within the bigger picture but isn't a finer trait. Exaggerated and flamboyant 'Fordone' pours with emotion as though Jason is confessing his darkest sins.

A little bit indie, a little bit DIY, a little symphonic, a big bit good! Jason is a unique talent with a delightful voice, powerful and sincere but also raw and impacting. I'm excited to hear more.


I'm Amy a Norfolk girl, currently residing at the seaside.

Age: eternally 21 (I’m really Peter Pan!).

By day I'm a Leaks, Condensation, Damp and Mould Resident Liaison Officer and by night I'm CRB's admin bitch, reviewer extraordinaire, point and hope for the best photographer, paperclip monitor and expert at breaking anything technical then expecting Scott to fix it!

I'm into all kinds of music the more obscure the better (my music taste is definitely better than yours 🤪😜) with my fave band being The Wonder Years.

I'm an Ipswich Town fan and have an unhealthy obsession with hedgehogs!


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