SINGLE REVIEW: Doll Riot - Those Days

Created in 2020 as a way to channel their rage and dissociation at the world around them San Diego high-school friends Doll Riot blast on latest single 'Those Days'.

Pretentious and glamorous; garage punks Doll Riot have a lot to say as they bellow through words detailing real life turmoil and frustration at society.

Inspired by the likes of Hole and L7 with a likeness to Queen Adreena the girls deliver 2 and a half minutes of pure fiery rage with frantic drums and glorious DIY riffs.

Doll Riot and here to vent everything that aggrieves them and blast in straight down your ears with their not nonsense, straight to the point sound.

Punk in every sense of the word these ladies are a perfect showcase of what the genre is about. Attitude, anger and short sharp tunes that make you sit up and take notice!


I'm Amy a Norfolk girl, currently residing at the seaside.

Age: eternally 21 (I’m really Peter Pan!).

By day I'm a Leaks, Condensation, Damp and Mould Resident Liaison Officer and by night I'm CRB's admin bitch, reviewer extraordinaire, point and hope for the best photographer, paperclip monitor and expert at breaking anything technical then expecting Scott to fix it!

I'm into all kinds of music the more obscure the better (my music taste is definitely better than yours 🤪😜) with my fave band being The Wonder Years.

I'm an Ipswich Town fan and have an unhealthy obsession with hedgehogs!


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