SINGLE REVIEW: Dirty Suits - Okeanos '24

With 'Okeanos '24,' Dirty Suits takes a bold departure from their signature hard rock sound, venturing into the realm of the instrumental. The track opens with a delicate, somewhat sinister guitar intro that evokes an uneasy atmosphere, setting the stage for a haunting journey. As the sound builds, so does an unsettling feeling, making it clear that this piece is steeped in emotional depth.

The drums enter, bellowing to add a more robust layer that enhances the tension. Mellow guitars chime in pensively, evoking images that would fit seamlessly into a horror film, further intensifying the experience. Clever piano breaks intermittently lighten the energy, creating a dynamic interplay before the track bursts into a fuller, more energised sound. Yet, the sinister elements continue to linger in the background, creating a compelling tension that keeps the listener engaged.

While I often struggle to connect with instrumental pieces, 'Okeanos '24' offers so much to unpack that it captivates my interest even without lyrics. Just past the halfway point, a lull introduces a sparse yet rich post-rock soundscape, where swathes of melodic guitars and stunning strings bring a symphonic, classical element to the forefront, complemented by a majestic wind section.

This clever track expertly blends alt rock, post-rock, metal, and classical influences, creating a layered experience filled with textures and depth. It oscillates between desolation and robustness, embodying a harrowing, uncomfortable, yet majestic atmosphere. Ultimately, 'Okeanos '24' feels like it belongs in a film score, demonstrating Dirty Suits’ versatility and artistic ambition as they explore new sonic landscapes.


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