SINGLE REVIEW: ChoochDrew - Salt Rain
I found 'Salt Rain' to be a challenging listen. I'm not particularly fond of rap, and when combined with the genre's inherent aggression and an eerie, unsettling musical backdrop, it left me feeling somewhat on edge. This composition is deeply moving, with a subdued and rugged quality that gives the impression of ChoochDrew venting his frustrations. It's as if he's expressing anger at personal suppression, the negative influences of others, and a general dissatisfaction with life.
I'm writing this as I listen for the first time, as that's my preferred style, and as the track progresses, the initial aggression in his vocals begins to feel less harrowing. The turbulence in the music, characterised by subtle, hypnotic synths and jarring effects, becomes more majestic and less discomforting. By the end of the 6-minute duration, although it remained a challenging listen, the track had fallen into place. The complexities of the lyrics and the way they depict a troubled mind, intertwining dark thoughts and bleak ideologies, began to make sense of the initial hostility.