SINGLE REVIEW: Baudelaire - Lose The Feeling

Birmingham based band, Baudelaire, are bringing a dark industrial fury to the music scene, paying homage to the history of Black Country with a raw edge, mechanical sounds, and gothic atmosphere. This post-punk outfit is climbing the ranks pretty quickly with the support from BBC Introducing, Louder Than War, and This Feeling as well as playing aside Crows, Heartworms and Courting.

Lose The Feeling has accumulated over 3,000 listens and counting since its original release on July 27th. I find it to be a great addition to the new wave of Post-Punk that is taking over the UK once again, I even find myself enjoying new bands pop up and to take on this track was a pleasure.

It is a track of danceable earworms and its addictive nature makes it such an easy listen to play on repeat as I pick it apart. Protruding saw synth begins the track, partnering with the drums to give the constance of rhythm.
Ominous vocals drop in, creating an almost whispery but firm monologue verses, very poetic in how the lyrics are written, its romantic yet sustains horror.It somehow reminds me a little bit like Phantom Of The Opera in idea. The chorus lifts the assertion to a convincing lull, to encourage the listener or character in the song to lose the feeling of negativity.

I love the flood of layers of synth and additional percussion, it gives it an authentic, almost analogue 80’s touch, very cleverly composed to usher in and out throughout the track. In the break, I find the change in vocals to be almost seductive, reaching a lower range and adding rasp and going deeper with the assertive lyrics. I find this section to be rather heightened with layers from toms and the guitars go from bright to distorted along with additional vocal layers that sits underneath creating additional bass vocals that gives me the chills.

Overall it’s a very solid track, repetition keeps it in your head longer and the genius is in the instrumentation and layering, although simplistic changes and comes right back to that main motif and theme. I’d describe this track as a beautiful nightmare.
The Cover art also reflects this track perfectly for the repetition of eyes, feasting and obeying. These are the words that sick out to me. Very well done piece of work and hope all goes well with upcoming gigs at Birmingham's What's Happening Weekender-  August 27th and The George Tavern - August 30th.


Hi, I'm Kempsey, I'm 24 years old. I studied photography in college however, I then studied a further 2 years in college for Music and went to Uni for Music performance and my final year was adjusted after COVID to complete a Creative Industries Degree. Doot doot 🎉 Graduate 🎉 Met some important people during my studying so I got a little industry insight.

I'm now a coffee barista by day ☕ and on the odd night I'm visiting some local gigs and venues.

I'm always listening to music everywhere I go, I'm sure we can all agree it's a life line. ☺️ I'm heavily Into metalcore, grunge, pop-punk, some indie, my taste also varies.

Slowly saving up the cash for some better gear to get out there and shoot.

Got my Ticket for Download this year (2023) which is super exciting ! ✨


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