Scunthorpe’s WeirdWolf to release debut single ‘Good Touch’ on August 11th



WeirdWolf are a rock band from Scunthorpe, UK

Too heavy to be classed as indie and too melodic to be called metal. The four-piece make music for people who have 90s shaped eardrums but are on the lookout for something new. The band’s eclectic approach creates a fresh and unique sound, conjuring up a magic which tips a hat to their sonic predecessors. 
 Though the members of WeirdWolf have been playing in bands most of their lives, it took a series of musical implosions, relocations and life twists to finally allow these four longtime friends the opportunity to join forces. 
 Truly a sum of their parts, each person brings an individual flavour to the audio Venn diagram that is WeirdWolf’s sound. Massive riffs, trippy soundscapes, punk energy, and a melodic sensibility complete a sound that traverses the bridge of several genres. 

With their debut album to be released later this year, WeirdWolf are ready to emerge from the cocoon of their collective past and drink the sweet nectar of the future.

Dave - Vocals and Guitar

Martin - Bass and Vocals

Mike - Guitar

Stuart - Drums


WeirdWolf are excited to announce the release of 'Good Touch', the first single from their upcoming debut album on 11th August 2023.

As Dave (singer) joked to his wife “Throughout history women have been the muse to artistic men in a myriad of formats. How does it feel to know that your ineptitude in a game of beard wizards inspired me to write the best single I’ve ever written”.

The riff for the song came to Dave in a dream. He woke up and annoyed his household by trying to play it the way he remembered it, at a ridiculously early time in the morning. 

Once honed into more than just a dream riff, Good Touch became an alt-rock banger that slinks along with a stonery groove and swagger. It’s an ear worm of epic proportions and the call and response backing vocals hook their way into your brain before the chorus erupts. 
Break downs, instrumental wig outs and a climax that throws everything at the wall: Good Touch has it all! 

“We’d all be happier if you…..” gave it a listen.


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