SCHATTENMANN release new album 'Dia de Muertos' on 30th June, out on AFM Records

SCHATTENMANN release new album 'Dia de Muertos' on 30th June, out on AFM Records.

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Bands tend to realise their full musical potential only if they continue to evolve artistically, be it in terms of technical production, lyrical content or, of course, compositional progress. Over the course of their four album releases to date, Schattenmann have consistently driven this important process forward. Their latest offering ‘Día de Muertos’ is a prime example of a mature, uncompromising and ultra-modern metal record with contemporary industrial influences. Schattenmann’s style mark 2023 sounds powerful and dynamic, their guitars once again prove to be true riff monsters, their drums and bass a mercilessly driving groove machine, their hard-as-nails sonic agglomeration refined by expressive lead vocals and subtle, ingeniously interwoven synth sounds. 

‘Día de Muertos’ is scheduled to be out on AFM Records on 30 June 2023, with five lead singles to be released before the event, so Schattenmann fans may look forward to an exciting spring! “‘Día de Muertos’ features only songs that get straight to the point without any detours. There are no half-hearted concepts or fillers,” says Schattenmann vocalist Frank Herzig, sounding both proud and happy. “We’ve rejected lots of material during the songwriting process and kept only the very best numbers to present to our audience, coming up with ten strong tracks that leave no questions unanswered.” 

This statement is all the more accurate as main composer/lyricist Herzig and his three bandmates Jan Shook (guitar), Luke Shook (bass) and Nils Kinzig (drums) have drawn on a broad range of subjects again, their credo being: “We want our fans to be touched by our music and to come away with new ideas and experiences. We want to create emotions, from positive to angry, but of course it’s also okay to feel melancholy or thoughtful.” 

Frank Herzig, also responsible for the production and mix of ‘Día de Muertos’ – which was mastered by Christoph Beyerlein (Subway To Sally, J.B.O., among others) – is referring to the first lead single ‘Menschenhasser’, already available online along with ‘Hände hoch’. Since the end of March, the third single ‘Dickpic’ has also been present on social media and on YouTube, with ‘Jeder ist schlecht’ and the title track ‘Día de Muertos’ to follow soon. The thematic focus of the material is as complex as its musical diversity: ‘Menschenhasser’ is about the ever-present topic of mobbing, ‘Jeder ist schlecht’ is about the fact that nobody is free of blame, that everybody is guilty in one way or another. The title track is – as the name suggests – about life and death and everything in between, including the ubiquitous and apparently ever-more manipulative media, which Schattenmann address on ‘Hände hoch’. Things get really emotional on the final number ‘Eternity’, about which Herzig comments: “It’s about transience and the fact that we all leave just as we came. No one can take anything with them beyond life". 

Frank Herzig (vocals), Jan Suk (guitar), Luke Shook (bass), Nils Kinzig (drums)

Día de Muertos track listing:
01. Día de Muertos 
02. Jeder ist schlecht 
03. Hände hoch 
04. Menschenhasser 
05. Dämonen 
06. Meer aus Licht 
07. Haters Gonna Hate 
08. Dickpic 
09. In deinem Schatten 
10. Ewigkeit 
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