Orchestral Death Metal International Collective "Gods of Gaia" Signs With Wormholedeath

Orchestral death metal collective Gods of Gaia has officially inked a deal with Wormholedeath, the collaboration sets the stage for the reissue of their album "As Daylight Dies," scheduled for its release on October 13th, 2023.

Founding their musical journey with an uncompromising vision, Gods of Gaia has crafted a unique and powerful sound that blends brutal riffs, extreme vocals, and epic orchestral elements. Their emotionally charged music serves as an unapologetic voice for the voiceless and stands firmly against the oppressors and destroyers of our world.

Reflecting on their collaboration with Wormholedeath, the band stated, "When we founded Gods of Gaia, we weren't really looking for a label. But now we are glad Wormholedeath has taken notice of us. Wormholedeath will be our first label in this constellation, and we are looking forward to cooperation. Let’s see what the future brings."

Diving deep into themes of ecological devastation, abuse of power, and the yearning for freedom, Gods of Gaia's lyrics pierce through the heart of societal issues, beckoning audiences to awaken their inner consciousness. The collective believes that names and faces should not dictate the success of a project; the music and its powerful message should transcend all.

Gods of Gaia is a collective of anonymous musicians and composers hailing from various corners of the globe. Some members are known for other acclaimed projects, while others remain undiscovered talents. The band firmly believes that the identity of its members should have no bearing on the success or failure of their artistic endeavors; instead, the music speaks volumes for itself.

"We are an anonymous collective of musicians and composers from all over the world. Some are known from other projects, others are completely unknown. The names of our members should not have any influence on the success or failure of the project. The music speaks for itself. Money and fame don't mean anything to us. This project was not created on the basis of reaching a materialistic goal. The music and the message are what's important. Be free of your anger, speak what's on your mind, and destroy what destroys you," expressed Gods of Gaia.

The lineup, which may evolve over time, currently includes:

Vocals: K
Guitar: V, E
Bass: S, K
Drums: E
Orchestration: Ghostwriters

Follow Gods of Gaia on social media and streaming platforms to stay updated:

Spotify: https://shorturl.at/ghtvE

"As Daylight Dies" cover & tracklist:

01 Intro
02 Bow to me
03 I want out
04 As daylight dies
05 Interlude
06 The Redeemer
07 Concerto
08 Downfall
09 Conscience
10 Schicksal (Opera)
11 Our Time (Bonus)

Today's rebels are tomorrow's despots.
(Die Rebellen von heute sind die Despoten von morgen.)
-Johannes Scherer-


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