nil00 shares new single 'Hold Me Back (With U)' from 'l0ve EP'

nil00 shares new single Hold Me Back (With U)’

Listen to previous track ‘No.1 Crush’

Today, Liverpool-based multi-disciplinary artist nil00 releases Hold Me Back (With U), the second single from their forthcoming new EP l0ve.

The new track, which is the closing track of l0ve, follows on from ‘No.1 Crush’ and offers a wistful, yearning “end of days love song”, as nil00 describes it. Speaking on ‘Hold Me Back (With U)’, they add, it was “simply made of guitar and vocals through an autotune pedal recorded straight onto tape for the sheer old timey thrill of having to get the perfect take. It’s a celebration of everything we won’t get back.”

On previous single ‘No.1 Crush’, nil00 says, “‘No.1 Crush’ was written in the throes of limerence, in the doom experienced by little girls & grown men everywhere thrust into unexplainawayable longing, suddenly the days aren’t so boring or so easy either - and your mouth wants to tell it, but your red feelings want to hide.”

“Inspired by the uncalibrated intensity of the Garbage song of the same name, the unabashed joy of the Vengaboys & intended to sound like someone’s garbled memory of a garage song they heard in yr7, ‘No.1 crush’ is the relic of a springtime romance, a moment so sparkly it’s tinged with instant nostalgia.”

70% water and not embarrassed about it, nil00’s self-produced EP is a play set in the damp theatre of emotional downpour. Bursting feelings, tender confessions and the aching embarrassment of crushing hard; l0ve guides us through it all. It takes a tighter and pared back approach to the glitchy layered production of their first EP 00, with a maturity in themes and cohesive narrative that glides through the transformative nature of love and desire. 

l0ve is an ode to yearning, a racing ride through a love that feels boundless but is confined to the boundaries of time, like a quickly fading summer. It dances light-footedly across these emotions in opening songs such as ‘l0ve@5am’ and ‘No.1 Crush’, before settling into a weighted melancholy in tracks ‘Luminous Doom’ and ‘Beautiful Fish’; sonic sunsets that grapple with the inherent loneliness that pairs with overwhelming feelings of desire and lust. Lyrically, l0ve asks questions about how love can feel both fleeting and infinite all at once, its last two numbers, ‘‘Ragequit’ and ‘Hold Me Back (With U)’, operating as final heart bursting attempts to hold on tight to a love that may have run its course. 

nil00 began making music after working in Liverpool’s music scene as a videographer and music journalist. Their extended friendship circle naturally included a large range of the city’s musicians, such as Yank Scally, who co-produced nil00s debut EP 00, and Charlie Power of Yeno Tha Soundsystem, nil00’s long term mixing partner. The combination of working closely with musicians on their visual outputs, plus a critic's ear for good music, bred a hunger in the artist to create the kind of music they felt was missing from the scene. nil00’s first ever track, a rough demo made in 2018, was an early formation of what was to become ‘l0ve@5am’, the opening and eponymous track on l0ve.

00, nil00’s debut EP, was accompanied by impressive visuals, conceptualised and animated by nil00, using generative AI to create alternate universes and digital landscapes that represent their music. Their commitment to sharing behind the scenes clips of the video making process created an organic virality and nested a solid and dedicated fanbase of nil00s glitchcore style. This buzz was amplified when nil00 dropped a then incomplete snippet of their track ‘Just Remember You’re Beautiful, And Two Hours Comes Pretty Easily, I Wanna Spend It With You (Beautiful Fish)’ in 2022, which went swiftly viral and introduced a new wave of listeners to nil00’s sound.

l0ve will be the first full length project nil00 has released to this new international audience, and has been produced entirely by the artist. It will be accompanied with an immersive live performance video showcasing instrumental versions of the songs.

Bio written by Varaidzo

nil00’s new EP, entitled l0ve, will be self-released on 25th October.

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