Niagara Artist THUNDERCLAP Releases Thought-Provoking Holiday Single - Out Now


Niagara Falls muti-media performance artist THUNDERCLAP uses honesty and humility to develop an almost magical rapport with “every” audience he performs for. His songwriting structure is challenging yet accessible and although the song content is thought provoking; the content is very often boiling over with shock & humour.

A live THUNDERCLAP show often reminds one of the traditional arch of story telling. The original songs are randomly sprinkled with a few choice covers, spoken word pieces, stories that make connections between the songs relevance and contemporary issues (if only the issues of THUNDERCLAP’s personal life), and improvisational banter with the audience.

When THUNDERCLAP spins his craft, and a craft it truly is; it generally leaves spectators in a sense of delighted awe, as if they’ve possibly just witnessed a magic trick that might never happen again. And this description is not just fancy word play, Its a “brave” performance, and it’s never the same twice!

He’s recently released his 2nd LP ‘Strange Songs For Strange Times’ featuring acclaimed ‘Coast to Coast AM’ radio host George Noory; & it’s currently being played on over 50+ non-commercial Stations across North America & the UK… Mr.Clap is now proudly shlepping his new holiday ballad (with corresponding music video), Blank Slate.

ABOUT THE SONG: “Blank Slate” – out now

In the early months of 2023, initial filming had begun for a documentary about the growing homeless situation in Canada’s Niagara Region, it was inspired by this song…

“5 months before Covid hit us I founded Camp Cataract in Niagara Falls (a northern themed bar/ pizzeria/ performance venue) and in the midst of Covid our downtown saw an unprecedented influx of unhoused individuals inundate the area. Unlike larger city centres, this small town was suddenly (and literally) face to face with this issue and not viewing it from afar as usual. As a store owner I was up close and toeing the line of navigating what’s good for business vs. acknowledging peoples’ problems and their humanity. With all the conflicting emotions that come along with this, I was compelled to write this song that addresses & empathizes with the derelict and downtrodden side of the holidays.  ”

The video for “Blank Slate” features clips from the upcoming documentary (to be released in February 2024).

Written, performed & produced by THUNDERCLAP!
Recorded, mixed, mastered, & produced by Joe Lapinski @ Wow Recording Studios.
Music performed by: Joe Lapinski, Mega, Kyle Foy, Dan Morphy, Laurel Minnes, Joel Van Vliet & THUNDERCLAP

Stream & Watch “Blank Slate” on All Platforms


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