New single and music video ‘For the Brave’ from Plastic Barricades: an ode to the fearless hearts and restless souls

London indie rock band Plastic Barricades has released a new single “For the Brave”, taken from the upcoming third album “We Stayed Indoors”, due in late November.

For the Brave

“For the Brave” celebrates the universal human experience of confronting our fears and refusing to be bound by doubts and insecurities. It is an anthem for those willing to face life head-on, unafraid of failure, and determined to persevere.

Bravery isn't confined to heroic acts we see on TV; sometimes we need courage to just get out of bed in the morning.

Courage to carry on, courage to stay strong…

We all face daily battles with our inner demons and have to find the strength to forge ahead. Can we rediscover hope in this seemingly hopeless world? How can we change?

Over the last few years the band earned a reputation for making truly DIY music videos. 2020 “Optimist” and 2023 “Counting Fireworks” have won several international film festival awards – and band’s tradition of eccentric and whimsical visual narratives continues with “For the Brave”.

Crafted under the guiding hand of the band's artistic visionary Elina Pasok and the talented London-based artist

Olly Holovchenko, the new stop-motion video explores the struggle to summon the courage to make that one important phone call.

We Stayed Indoors album

“We Stayed Indoors” will be Plastic Barricades’ third full-length album, taking on the tricky subjects of hope, mental health, doubts, living in the moment, courage, perception change, regrets about the past and worries about the future.

The new album was recorded in collaboration with Sheffield-based drummer Chris Barber and Berlin-based singer Aellie Koto, as well as singer-songwriters Luke Joyce (Harsh Winters from Edinburgh) and John Sibley (Victory Kicks from London). Tom Hill (Modern Rituals; Muttering) worked his magic on the mixes at the Bookhouse Studios and long-time collaborator Andy “Hippie” Baldwin (Blur, Oasis, Interpol) sprinkled the sonic dust of mastering at Metropolis Studios.

Plastic Barricades is a faithful moniker of London-based singer-songwriter Dan Kert and his ever-changing troupe of collaborators. 2017 “Mechanics of Life” and 2020 “Self-Theories” form the current studio catalogue, with “We Stayed Indoors” scheduled to follow in 2023.


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