Montreal's Perestroika Release New Single and Video

Perestroika unvieled the video for new single "Midnight Twilight" today (see New Noise Magazine premiere)....

Watch/Post: "Midnight Twilight"

In the icy embrace of Montreal’s harsh winters, Perestroika was born in 2017, conceived by Shravan as more than a band—it was an act of audacious reinvention. Shravan, a seeker fleeing the sweltering chaos of the American South for the enigmatic North, envisioned Perestroika as a mystical assembly where sound met the ethereal.

Joining Shravan were Mickey Dagger, formerly of the shadowy Omegas, and Gustavo, a conjurer from uncharted musical terrains. Their initial offering was a demo that melded the haunting echoes of British post-punk, the gothic depths of rock, and spectral strands of synth-pop. The Oberheim DMX drum machine—more than an instrument, a wizard's staff—commanded the rhythmic backbone, surrounded by an ever-growing arsenal of synthesizers that channeled ancient and modern soundscapes.

As the world succumbed to a pandemic darkness, Perestroika's aural journey delved deeper into the shadows. With Jonah Falco, a sage of sound, they crafted “Monolith”—a testament to the eerie synergies between the dystopian pulsations of Kino, the decadent harmonies of Roxy Music, and Giorgio Moroder’s electronic spells. Eldritch-style vocals served not just as lyrical delivery but as existential queries echoing through their tracks.

Emerging from the pandemic's spectral fog, Perestroika's sound underwent a transformation toward a radiant pop vista. This evolution was less a departure and more a rebirth, infusing the darkly energetic punk foundation with the luminous melodies of New Order, the narrative depth of Pet Shop Boys, and the irresistible groove of classic funk.

Their latest creation, "Midnight Twilight," springs from these sessions, weaving together the nostalgic essence of a bygone industrial era and the timeless allure of cosmic funk. The music video, directed by the visionary Alan Hildebrandt, is less a video than a visual poem, exploring the stark dichotomy between the barren landscapes of modern life and the vivid pulses of self-destructive narcissism.

With Sebastien Page joining on drums, Perestroika is now a complete circle—four artists weaving the past and present into a tapestry of sound and mystique. They stand not only as musicians but as modern-day mystics, each performance a ritual, inviting the audience into a realm where music is both a mirror and a beacon.

Perestroika Bandcamp / Perestroika Press Page


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