Lost Cousins share their airy, nature-infused song “Dreamer”

Toronto dream rock band, Lost Cousins, wrote their new song “Dreamer” in the serene setting of a forest cottage north of Kingston, Ontario. The result is a song that captures those idyllic summer surroundings, with its bright, ethereal melodies and, if you listen closely, the chirping of birds and rhythmic waves of a nearby lake. It features pulsing shoegaze-inspired guitars, airy vocals, soaring synth strings driven by a steady impactful rhythm section. 

“Dreamer” builds momentum and forward motion throughout. The instrumentation emerges from peaceful, inspiring surroundings where one’s mind is left to experiment. The lyrics dive into the self-doubt associated with the creative process while also encouraging the listener to embody positivity in the face of struggling relationships. 

At its core, the song speaks to the beauty and uncertainty of working towards lofty goals and inspires the listener to embrace their inner dreamer. The band’s primary focus was on immersing the listener in the experience of driving with the windows down on a summer night, as the sun slowly sets.

Roll the windows down and take a listen to “Dreamer”: 


Find photos, socials, artist bio, and other assets on Lost Cousins here: http://auteurresearch.com/artists/lost-cousins 


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