LIVE REVIEW: Ellur @ The Red Shed, Wakefield

Long Division Presents an evening at the Red Shed Labour Club featuring Ellur and In The Morning Lights 19/02/2022

Upon arrival, I heard the hustle and bustle of the bar in one half of the Shed and the other in complete silence. I appeared a little early and entertained myself with some friendly conversation with the regulars.

They told me about a little history of the punk and rock scene during the 90’s and 2000’s, described as the “Golden age of Music” within Wakefield and how the ever changing generation now settled on Indie and Alternative genres.

Hesitantly, I approached the room and rightfully so being such a small and intimate venue, however the set up was quite cosy and with the current weather, was very much so inviting and warm. The stage area had been decorated in beautifully lit fairy lights and Long Divisions iconic ‘LD’ Neon Logo. These features would add to the aesthetic of the sets to come.

First up was In The Morning Lights

I anticipated them to be much upbeat, infused with tech but their stripped back acoustic set was perfect for the tone and aesthetics for this little intimate gig. Both voices carried and harmonised elegantly.

My research taught me right off the bat that In The Morning the lights has many influences, From R&B, Indie-Pop and a little funk and blues stirred in there!

The Duo, Matilde Mirotti and Frankie Harper, gain extra points in my books for the ability to write and produce their own music completely independent, it’s also not an easy feat to strip back such full and lively tracks in such a small enclosed space infant of strangers as well as perform completely new material on the spot, but is also a privilege to hear new music before release. I walked away during the intermission singing ‘Wordless Attraction’ to myself.

Next up, Ellur.

The Indie-Pop artist has come along way since writing her own songs since 11 years old, inspired by 80’s icons and aesthetics of Madonna, Kate Bush and Stevie Nicks. Ellur is quite the natural at bringing dreamy layers, with sparkly, washy diaphanous guitars as well as her own talents of providing such gentle velvet vocals that is not afraid to step out and belt out a catchy chorus.

The playful layers of synth will take your mind all the way back to Joy Division’s ‘Love will tear us apart’ or the softer riffs of Cyndi Lauper’s ‘Time After Time’

There’s a lot of little details in Ellur’s compositions that sounds entirely original but at the same time tricks your brain into thinking you have heard it before and encompasses you in nostalgia. Ellur presented herself with confidence throughout and laughed at little mistakes of which in turn made everyone much more comfortable and encouraged “toe-tapping and wiggles” from the audience.

I honestly, didn’t expect Ellur to be so lively and as the night went on it became much livelier and I found myself enjoying the lead ups, what I can only describe as like crescendos of choruses that gave me chills each time. I walked away from this set with multiple favourite songs including ‘Migraine’ ‘Burn it all down’ and ‘Monochrome’

For the overall gig, I appreciate that very small intimate gigs are the ones that create a lot of pressure and set high audience expectations.

I also appreciate that it is not the easiest type of gig for this reason, there were few slip-ups but these are not weaknesses, these are a test if strength of recovery and through the use of humour, the audience is in a state of calm, can laugh with the artist and feel much closer to the artist as mistakes are human and quite humbling.

Completely impressed by both bands, and snagging myself an Ellur T-shirt, it is safe to say I am a new fan and I will continue with my support.

Follow In the Mourning Lights


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Hi, I'm Kempsey, I'm 24 years old. I studied photography in college however, I then studied a further 2 years in college for Music and went to Uni for Music performance and my final year was adjusted after COVID to complete a Creative Industries Degree. Doot doot 🎉 Graduate 🎉 Met some important people during my studying so I got a little industry insight.

I'm now a coffee barista by day ☕ and on the odd night I'm visiting some local gigs and venues.

I'm always listening to music everywhere I go, I'm sure we can all agree it's a life line. ☺️ I'm heavily Into metalcore, grunge, pop-punk, some indie, my taste also varies.

Slowly saving up the cash for some better gear to get out there and shoot.

Got my Ticket for Download this year (2023) which is super exciting ! ✨


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