JOE CARDUCCI Releases 'Chicago Stories' - New Collection of Screenplays is Out Now


Critically acclaimed critic, culturologist and screenwriter presents the newest collection of screenplays available now via Redoubt Press

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CHICAGO STORIES is the third volume of screenplays written by Joe Carducci. “I grew up near Chicago so the news and sports we followed all came from there.” – explains Carducci: “It's also the place where you could say that Catholics, Slavs and freed slaves became American in this midwestern urban setting; most other cities had Protestants running things”. When the silents became talkies, the action films developed around Hollywood's idea of Chicago. "Gangster movies were often written by ex-reporters from Chicago." - says the screenwriter and critic, referring to the now classic films worked on by such as Ben Hecht, Charles MacArthur, Rowland Brown, and W.R. Burnett.

Carducci's Chicago is painted in dark and absurdist shades. And against the specific background of the American Midwest's big town. ‘Unsolved’ follows Retired Detective Pollard as he counsels a northwest side college class in criminalistics in their investigation of a cold case. With ‘Bullethead’ and ‘City Final’ we follow the police detectives Mazurek, Santana and Washington on cases while the city seems to conspire to defeat their best efforts. ‘Ghost Dance’ takes place on the upper Mississippi as a small-town cop joins a reservation sheriff on the trail of an exceptionally skilled killer of four hunters on the season's first day.

‘Chicago Stories’ is out now available locally from, globally from Amazon, and on shelves at Quimbys Chicago & Brooklyn, and Stories L.A. Check the exclusive excerpt premiere via Veil Of Sound Magazine here.

Joe Carducci is available for interviews. Physical copies of 'Chicago Stories' available for review and preview upon request.


Photo courtesy of Joe Carducci - Download here.

JOE CARDUCCI is best known as the author of two books of music history, Rock and The Pop Narcotic, and Enter Naomi - SST, L.A. and All That..., and another on film history, Stone Male - Requiem for The Living Picture, plus the collection, Life Against Dementia - Essays, Reviews, Interviews 1975-2011. Carducci was born in Merced, California in 1955 and grew up in Naperville, Illinois. He quit college after 1974, moved to Chicago and was first published in the Tucson anarchist paper, The Match!. He moved to Hollywood in 1976 to write screenplays but got waylaid by punk rock and the west coast record business.

From 1978 Joe Carducci helped build independent record distribution for the punk era at Systematic Record Distribution, working with labels like Dangerhouse, Slash, Rough Trade and Factory, and bands like The Dead Kennedys, The Birthday Party and Flipper. Later, after becoming a partner at SST he worked closely with Meat Puppets, Minutemen, and co-produced the first four LPs by Saint Vitus. Joe resumed writing in the mid-eighties, principally screenplays and occasional books or issues of the blog, The New Vulgate. Carducci has lived in Denver, Chicago, Los Angeles, Portland, Berkeley, Minocqua, and Laramie, working in and around music, radio, film, publishing and real estate. His books are available now via Redoubt Press.


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