Introducing Meat In Space, the new solo project of Shawn Stedman

Who are the band members and what do they play?

Meat in Space is the solo rock project of Bay Area multi-instrumentalist Shawn Stedman who helms guitar, bass, drums, vocals, tape recording, mixing and production.

What are the band's main influences?

I'm heavily influenced by 90s heavyweights like Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana and Elliot Smith, as well as shoegaze, punk, stoner metal, garage rock, slacker rock, experimental rock, Spanish guitar, DIY rock artists, genre bending creative guitarists, musicians with a strong melodic sensibility and honest lyricists.

Do you have any favourable quotes from previous reviews of the band that you'd be happy to share?

Song Review, Outta My Head -- "This track is a wild expedition into the rugged domain of garage rock, injected with a punky, lo-fi vigor that's bound to etch its infectious chorus into your memory." Song Review, Chromium Dioxide -- "A rousing 90s esque punk and garage rocker with some awesome grit and bite to it."

Where was the single/EP/album recorded and who was involved in its production?

Ruby Tourmaline was recorded at Orange Sherbet Studios in El Cerrito, California on a Tascam 388 8-track reel-to-reel machine by the artist, Shawn Stedman. The acoustic guitar and drums were first recorded on a cassette 8-track, but were then transferred to the Tascam 388 where the vocals, guitar and bass were added.

Is there a particular ethos behind the single/EP/album or any particular music styles or events that inspired it?

This song is definitely more stripped down and less punky in tone than my first two singles, but still draws from a similar era of early 90s alternative rock. Ruby Tourmaline is more of a contemplative, reflective melodic journey that weaves anthemic energy through the choruses and outro.

Can you briefly describe what the song/each song is about? If you are releasing an album then either describe the thinking behind the project or choose a couple of lead tracks to focus on.

The opening line of Ruby Tourmaline "Wish it didn't have to be this way but there's nothing I can do" sets the intention of the song, a message of letting someone know you are thinking of them as they are going through a difficult situation. The lyrics follow on variations on that idea, wishing for someone you care about to persist in the face of challenging circumstances.

Please provide a one or two-line personal quote that can be attributed to a band member, about either the band themselves or the release. Obviously the more eye-catching this is the better.

Perhaps my favorite lyric in this song is "Any enemy of yours can go to hell, as well." Always fun to sing.

N.b. Interview provided as part of press kit, questions not by CRB


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