Harbiter shares single ‘Blinded In Chains’

NAME: Harbiter 

GENRE: dark electro rock – a mix of darkwave, EBM and industrial rock COMPARABLE ARTISTS: Ultra Sunn, Pure Obsession Red Nights, KMFDM, Covenant 


Spotify - https://spoti.fi/3O5fNfN 

Bandcamp - https://harbiter.bandcamp.com

Instagram - https://instagram.com/harbiter_music 

Website - https://harbiter.com 



Harbiter è un Invisibile, maltrattato e rinnegato dalla sua stessa città. L'indifferenza dei  potenti lo ha costretto a vivere per strada. I vicoli bui e pericolosi sono diventati la sua  nuova casa. Lottando per la sopravvivenza, ad un passo dalla morte, capisce che ciò che  gli mancava era solo il coraggio di tenere alta la testa di fronte alle avversità. Trova allora  la vocazione di guidare gli Invisibili a sovvertire l'ordine prestabilito dai potenti e  riconquistare la propria vita.  

Seguendo la voce della città, gli Invisibili della notte escono dai loro rifugi e si riversano  nelle strade per riprendere il controllo. È l'inizio di una reazione a catena che porterà il  cambiamento nelle loro vite. Harbiter è solo un uomo comune che ha deciso di non essere più sottomesso da chi non lo comprende. Le sue parole sono l'inno dei rinnegati; la sua  musica i passi della rivolta. 


Harbiter is an Invisible, mistreated and disowned by his own city. The indifference of the  powerful ones forced him to live on the streets. The dark and dangerous alleys have  become his new home. Struggling to survive, one step away from death, he understands  what he was missing: the courage to keep his head up high against all hardships. So he  finds the vocation to guide the Invisibles to subvert the order established by the powerful  and regain their life.  

Following the voice of the city, the Invisibles of the night come out of their shelters and  pour into the streets, ready to regain control. It's the beginning of a chain reaction, leading  to a change in their lives. Harbiter is just a common man who has decided to no longer be  subjugated by those who don't understand him. His words are the hymn of the renegades;  his music the steps of the uprising. 



Harbiter è il progetto EBM solista di Samuele Salvel, ex bassista della metal band Scyther. Dopo una vita passata ad ascoltare rock e il passaggio attraverso varie band, Samuele si  appassiona alla musica elettronica, in particolare quella con uno stampo più dark. L'interesse sviluppato per tutta una serie di nuovi generi lo portano a mescolare gli  arrangiamenti malinconici della darkwave con i ritmi più aggressivi dell'industrial, il tutto  arricchito dai riff di chitarra derivanti dalla passione per il metal. Si ispira in particolare ad  artisti come Ultra Sunn, Blutengel, Pure Obsession & Red Nights e più in generale al 

genere darksynth e cyberpunk. 

Harbiter è un rinnegato, un invisibile, che decide di alzare la testa e di guidare i rinnegati  come lui a vivere la propria vita, contro le imposizioni del sistema. 


Harbiter is the EBM solo project of Samuele Salvel, former bassist of the metal band  Scyther. 

After a lifetime spent listening to rock and playing in various bands, Samuele becomes  passionate about electronic music, especially the one with a darker sound. The interest he developed in a whole series of new genres led him to mix the melancholic  arrangements of darkwave with the more aggressive rhythms of industrial, all enhanced  with guitar riffs originated from his passion for metal. He's mostly inspired by artists like  Ultra Sunn, Blutengel, Pure Obsession & Red Nights and more broadly by darksynth and  cyberpunk genres. 

Harbiter is a renegade, an invisible one, who decides to raise his head and lead other  renegades like him to live their own lives, against the dictates of the system. 


This is my first work. As I'm pretty new to electronic music, you must know that these songs are  actually some kind of electro alternative covers of the songs I've written with my former band  Scyther. Having such songs already written and defined helped me a lot experimenting with  synths and new sounds (for me) and not having to start from zero. 

I took the main guitar riffs of those songs and brought them into this hybrid genre between  coldwave, ebm, industrial and metal. It's been a perfect practicing field for me - even for mixing  and mastering the songs by myself - and I'm really proud of the result. 

This is just the beginning of Harbiter's story of redemption and revenge, leading the Invisibles of  the night, the oppressed, against the powerful ones, to change their life and bring the power  back in the hands of people. 

To rise from the blinding dark towards the light of freedom. 

To break the chains of an imposed system and feed your dreams with the fire of your passion. 

Don't give up. Feed your inside riot to live a meaningful life. A life that is meaningful for yourself.  Not your country; not your boss; not who doesn't care about you.


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