Gothic Doom metal band Inner Missing released a first single 'Hiraeth' after leaving their former country due to political reasons

Israeli-based Gothic Doom Metal band Inner Missing is back with a new single release: Hiraeth. It's been one and a half years since their latest full-length album Dead Language was released. The album was released on the worst possible time, just one day after Russia cowardly invaded Ukraine. The band located then in St. Petersburg but they strictly condemned the invasion and instantly decided to flee the country and their dictatorship. 

LISTEN Hiraeth single on streaming services:
Sigmund comments: 
"Hiraeth is an untranslatable Welsh word which is used to describe a very personal and specific mixture of homesickness, nostalgia and wistfulness. Like any other complex emotion, it is ineffable, but those who have already experienced it, will easily catch its glimpse in the eyes of the others because it is universal as well. For more than a year it seemed unthinkable for me to create anything, and then this song was composed, written and recorded in a matter of days – and, paradoxically, it does not only depict the irreversible loss of my home and many things that were dear to me, but also confirms verity of the statement: no matter how rotten and dominated by philistine cowardice and dictatorial madness the world is, art, like a sprout, will eventually make its way through the layers of mud, into the light." 

Inner Missing - Hiraeth (single 2023)
 Composed and lyrics by Pavel Krasnov
ISRC: FI3FC2377801


Single cover by Pavel Krasnov

Sigmund - voice and guitars
Melaer - keyboards
Kublai Kapsalis - guitar, bass, drums



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