Female-fronted Belfast punk outfit The New Normal share EP “Not Yours”

The New Normal are a 4-piece punk/alt rock band based in  Belfast, Northern Ireland. 

Over the last few years, the band have gigged extensively  throughout Northern Ireland and are excited to release their  debut EP - Not Yours. 

Not Yours is an 11-minute jolt of punk rock fury that perfectly captures the live sound of the band, but given a sheen  of studio polish. It's a culmination of two years of songwriting and showcases 4 of our best songs that really define  who we are and what we are about at this point as a band. We have a civic and public duty to dispel racism, sexism,  bigotry, homophobia, transphobia or in short, hatred of any kind where and when it is found.  

We are all the same, we bleed the same and we feel the same. 

Not Yours is directly about this. Not Yours challenges this culture of hate and dismissal on all levels it can. We as a  band challenge this on all levels that we can. Even though at many points it feels like the world is not listening, we  are continuing to shout and scream this whenever and wherever we can. 



The New Normal

The New Normal


“The New Normal ticked all boxes and were without a doubt the highlight [of the show] for me. ‘Not Yours’ in particular – a fast, loud, angry anthem I’d have given my eye teeth to scream in the local scene  twenty years ago...looking forward to seeing them again.” - suzioag


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