Everybody’s Side Project shares debut EP After Thought with the pop punk world

Saskatoon based artist Daryl Uhrin launched their solo pop punk project, Everybody’s Side Project, which was born out of significant personal loss. The untimely passing of loved ones led him to channel his grief into his music, reigniting his deep-rooted passion for songwriting and performance.

Despite typically critical audiences, Everybody's Side Project has received ample support, which has encouraged him to pursue this endeavor wholeheartedly. 

Everybody's Side Project is more than just a musical venture for them – it's a testament to the transformative power of music, its ability to heal, and its exceptional capacity to turn adversity into opportunity.

"While 'Stink Piss' narrates a story of betrayal, it's also about strength and resilience. It's about facing our demons, standing up to those who've wronged us, and finding our own path despite the challenges." - Daryl Uhrin  

Watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWIv8cVxOTg

The driving single comes off Everybody’s Side Project’s debut After Thought EP.


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