Dutch trio Rejoice in Moribund releases haunting Funeral Doom/Death Metal EP 'Planetcleanser' - a concept album reflecting on the Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear strikes.

Step into the shadowy depths of apocalyptic doom as the Dutch trio, Rejoice in Moribund, unleashes their latest EP 'Planetcleanser.' Released by Dying Sun Records, this chilling concept album echoes the horrific narratives of the nuclear strikes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

In 'Planetcleanser,' Rejoice in Moribund unfurls a sonic tapestry of Funeral Doom/Death Metal that stretches across nearly 45 agonizing minutes. From the brooding opener 'Under Wings of Victorious Annihilation' to the closing lament of the eponymous 'Planetcleanser,' the band navigates through a spectrum of bleak emotions with tracks such as 'Of Light and Disintegration' and 'Shadows of a Recent Past.'

Holthor (Drums, Guitar), Strotroth (Guitar, Vocals), and W. Helm (Bass, Guitar) form a somber alliance, crafting soundscapes as grand as they are grim. Their combined efforts resonate with influences from genre giants like Evoken, diSEMBOWELMENT, and Thergothon, resulting in a musical journey that's as devastating as it is compelling.

Available in digital format and on cassette from June 1, 2023, 'Planetcleanser' beckons listeners to a symphony of destruction, charting the tragic aftermath of humanity's darkest hours. With 'Planetcleanser,' Rejoice in Moribund doesn’t merely present music; they forge an experience that's as haunting as it is unforgettable.

Website: http://www.dyingsun.nl
Bandcamp: https://dyingsunrecords.bandcamp.com/album/planetcleanser
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DyingSunRecords


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