Derrick Stembridge shares single ‘Facewithin’

"Facewithin" is a composition convergence that delves into the intricacies of human consciousness and artificial intelligence. The initial beats transport listeners to a complex realm within the DNA of humans and androids. This is the starting point for an auditory and visual odyssey, compelling those who engage with it to question the foundations of identity and existence. Known for his award-winning work with the ambient project Drifting In Silence, Derrick Stembridge expands his artistic horizon with this latest offering.

The sonic landscape is further enriched by a riveting industrial glitch remix from Jess Hewitt of Drev and a celestial remix by Todd Fisher from Her Odd Fist. Both remixes intensify the single's layered themes with their distinct musical approaches.

As a significant component of Derrick Stembridge's forthcoming album "Past Present Future," "Facewithin" sets the stage for a larger artistic narrative that explores the crossroads of time, technology, and the complexities of the human mind. Prepare for this exploration, set to launch on Labile Records across all major streaming platforms on September 1, 2023.


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