Danswell and the Symptoms shares 10th and final single of 2023 ‘That’s Life’


Danswell and the Symptoms is a Cardiff solo project by Dan Tanswell - a 39 year old Multi-instrumentalist behind it all(They even do the artwork).

Their music is like glorious moon beams reflected in a muddy puddle. 

You canfind out more here -danswellandthesymptoms.com

of ‘That’s Life’ Dan explains:

“That’s Life started out as an acoustic song with many different verses and a repeating chorus. I actually wrote it after watching a Bob Dylan documentary. But this is different, it’s the “wish you were here/comfortably numb” version of that’s life - with 3 guitar solos! Although it did turn out very “November rain” (not a bad thing).

It’s the finale; the final track* of the year. The 10th single of 2023 and it perfectly wraps up everything I’ve said in she/her, he doesn’t care, calling etc. You’ll also notice it features a combination of instruments used in this years tracks.
It’s out on the 1st of December.

*I may have written a Christmas song too.”


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