Cyber-Punk duo Notre-Dame of Tokyo return with punchy new single ‘Hexagon’ on September 22


“We wanted to leave France, so tossed a coin, came to London and partied…”

FOR FANS OF: Alice in Chains, Nine Inch Nails, Black Sabbath, Type O Negative

Cyber-punk group Notre-Dame of Tokyo return with punchy new single ‘Hexagon’ on September 22.

Riff-laden tune is the first release from upcoming album ‘Weightlessness’

French brothers Antwan and Adrien swapped Agen in the south of France for London on the toss of a coin 

Pair have merged classic UK punk with European rock on powerful new single

Some bands plan everything minutely, agonising over every decision until all sense of impulse has been strangled. Not Notre-Dame of Tokyo. Two French motherfuckers who are happy to leave their fate to a toss of a coin.

Two brothers who looked around their birthplace of Agen in France and thought ‘fuck this’. Two brothers who wanted to experience something new, but weren’t sure where to start. 

Paris? Stockholm? Berlin? London?

So they tossed a coin. Literally. Paris - gone. Stockholm - gone. Berlin v London. One more toss. London won.

Did it matter they couldn’t speak English? No. Did it matter they didn’t have jobs? No.

They turned up in London, and did the only thing that made sense. They partied. They threw themselves into music. They absorbed all that great city has to offer.

And now, they have an album. 

The Scandinavian metal and German industrial rock they had listened to growing up was now infected with British melodies.

And the result is astounding. 

Raw, energetic, real. Riffs that sound like they are coming out of the walls.  Drums that are authentic and hit the gut.

Songs that need to be played at maximum volume.

“We came to London to find a singer, but that didn’t work out, so I stepped up,” says Antwan, who couldn’t even speak English a few years ago but now chucks out twisted, clever lyrics about the darker side of life that Charles Bukowski would raise his glass to.

‘Hexagon’, the first single from ‘Weightlessness’ is a case in point.

“Don't leave me alone / Show me how you bend / Don't tell me you're done / You just made a friend,” go the lyrics, delivered over music of such raw power you can feel a moshpit in your mind.

“Entertain me” goes one refrain, issued as both a challenge and a request.

The duo are already renowned for their live shows. Check out their video for 2021 single ‘X or Y’ to see just how much they connect with the crowd.


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