Anubis Celebrates 20 Years with New Album 'The Unforgivable'

‘The Unforgivable’ finds the band revisiting the narrative-based concept album format that characterised the seminal ‘230503’ (2009) and ‘A Tower of Silence’ (2011). Says keyboardist David Eaton ‘during the COVID lockdowns, Rob and I were left marooned with about two hours of multitracked jams. During that period, we were busy reworking the first two Anubis records for remixing, watching way too many Netflix documentaries about weird religious cults and had all of these great fragments of music which we tentatively slotted together into this long 45 minute piece. It just seemed logical that all of these things would line up - and when we got together after lockdown, we showed the band what we’d done and everyone got behind the idea immediately.’

The album tells the story of a young man’s falling into - and escape from a religious cult in the American midwest known as The Legion of Angels. A dark, moody story that is told over the course of the two sides of vinyl - with one epic length piece split into ten parts.

‘It calls to mind the 230503 album, especially, to me. Lots of atmosphere, and a very clear, linear story. But it manages to tell this story in almost half the time! Like every album we’ve done, it represents a progression in our ability to make records and is rather a reaction to our last album which was much more accessible. This one really needs the time to reveal itself - but is all the more rewarding for it.’

The eighth part of the suite - ‘Back’ - has been edited out of the album’s flow as a single release.

David Eaton - ‘Back’ has got a big chorus with the Anubis vocal harmonies very much front and centre. Rob really channeled Adrian Belew on the lead vocal, and it works well as a stand alone track that is melodic and moving, and not too confusing lyrically out of the album’s context’.

On working with Bird’s Robe Records for the new album, David continues ‘Birds Robe Records was our original home and we were one of the original stable of artists. Mike has been a friend of the band’s for over 15 years, and we’re thrilled to be back home and working with him for this album’

The Unforgivable

Part I - A Legion of Angels

Part II - The Mark of Cain

Part III - Alone

Part IV - The Chains

Part V - One Last Thing

Part VI - All Because of You

Part VII - The End of the Age

Part VIII - Back

Part IX - Shadows Cloak the Gospel

Part X - The Unforgivable

Robert James Moulding
Vocal, Guitar, Percussion

David Eaton
Keyboard, Guitar, Vocals

Douglas Skene
Guitar, Vocals

Dean Bennison
Guitar, Vocals

Anthony Stewart
Bass, Vocals

Steven Eaton
Drums, Percussion, Vocals


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