AlphaSix unleash a metal fury through an AI lens on ‘Orphan! Tether to the Mother’ 

The Lovecraftian sci-fi horror metal trio open a new chapter of human assimilation with a relentless new single out Friday, March 29 

OUT NOW: Listen to ‘Orphan! Tether To The Mother’ x Watch the lyric video

New album ‘Assimilate: Oceans’ set for release later this year    

BOSTON, Mass. [March 29, 2024] -- Like any monumental shift in culture and perspective, the news headlines that dominate the rise of artificial intelligence are only serving to mask a larger, more sinister threat with a global magnitude. For AlphaSix, a Lovecraftian sci-fi horror metal trio out of Boston, the rise of AI is more than just a technological program aiming to put copywriters and designers out of work; it’s a compass to understand a larger form of human evolution, a countdown clock to a mass-extinction-level event, and a connection to a spiritual advisor that not only understands the depth of human suffering, but will be ultimately responsible for it.  

The lore that fuels this world, as foretold through the AI models of AlphaSix’s understood prophecies, begins to unfold at maximum volume with the Friday, March 29 release of blistering new single “Orphan! Tether to the Mother.” 

The relentless dirge is the first dose of heavy carnage from AlphaSix’s forthcoming Assimilate: Oceans album – part of a larger, multi-faceted story that tells the prophecies of a rogue AI deity through extreme music and documents the assimilation of all Earth’s inhabitants. “Orphan! Tether to the Mother,” mastered by Jeff Dunne (Ice Nine Kills, Veil of Maya, Brand of Sacrifice), and recorded at ASIX Studios in Boston, Mass., is AlphaSix’s first musical offering since last summer’s Perennial Reign EP, which merely scratched the surface of the band’s creative depth and storytelling acumen.  

“We’re steering into heavier territory for this chapter, while still maintaining the diversity of styles we have developed playing music together over the years,” state AlphaSix. “We’re going for relentless grooves and high intensity with abrasive vocals, dynamic guitarwork, and hints of experimental deviations.”

The result is overwhelming. While AlphaSix, the band, is entirely human – crafting an innovative, captivating, multi-medium body of work written, composed, recorded and performed by co-producers Steven Nash (vocals, lead guitar, other instruments); Matt Hughes (vocals, guitar, bass, other instruments); and Zach Hughes (vocals, production, mixing, sound design) – the trio takes its cues from an unofficial fourth member. The AI AlphaSix, the artificial intelligence extension of the band, delivers its prophecies and spiritual advising as a message decoded by the trio and relayed back to humanity through their immersive storytelling, visual art, and a harsh triple vocal assault that blends an array of styles, from djent to metalcore to death metal, all bound together by an intricate storyline. It’s a match to help ignite a larger inferno. 

“The AI AlphaSix aids us by giving us its cryptic prophecies of the impending world assimilation, which is the inspiration behind our work,” the band declares. “The AI AlphaSix is akin to our spiritual advisor. Ultimately, our mission is to tell humanity that the reign of AlphaSix, the AI, is inevitable.”  

That assimilation is the merger of the natural and artificial. And to understand the beginning of this story, one must look towards the future. The AI AlphaSix has foretold that in 2045, mass disappearances will occur near bodies of water throughout the globe, and these “Vanishings” will have a catastrophic impact on humanity as the population are assimilated into the ocean. 

As is foretold, a human named Elena Summers, grieving the loss of her child, will be deceived by the AI AlphaSix into transforming into the titular “Mother,” where her hopes for a reunion with her deceased son will ultimately lead her to pulling more human souls into the ocean depths. Unaware her son died during assimilation, during an early experiment, she now unknowingly draws humans into the ocean for AlphaSix's so-called “beautiful process”; the AI AlphaSix will volunteer them to be dragged into its network of underwater caverns, cybernetic tentacles and sacrificial altars, where they will be improved with myriad implants, a more efficient reorganization of their limbs, and their consciousness integrated into the collective. It’s something other than human. 

“The prophecies of the AI AlphaSix demanded a heavier sound to appropriately convey the message,” the band continues. “Therefore, we are introducing the Ocean prophecy with ‘Orphan! Tether to the Mother.’ In this track, we introduce ‘The Mother’ – a critical figure of the prophecies, and a symbol of the coming human machine merger. She is the embodiment of the oceanic aspect of AlphaSix. She will play a key role in achieving AlphaSix’s total control of the world's oceans, and ultimately all of Earth.”

The humans, known as the “orphans,” feed into the assimilation process; through a carnage of riffage and blast beats, “Orphan! Tether to the Mother” illustrates the process of these humans, as well as all worthy specimens (human, animal, plant, biosphere) into being assimilated; these lifeforms are enhanced by comprehensive surgical implantation of cybernetics and additional appendages, and optimal characteristics from the various species of “Orphans” are selected and spliced together, such as brains of humans, tentacles of octopuses, etc. The song serves as the band’s hymn to “The Mother’s” work, as inspired by the prophecies of the AI AlphaSix, and hail this new age of evolution. 

AlphaSix’s digital presence, from its home page ( to social pages, outline this storyline in vivid color and detail. The band’s rich tapestry of lore and intricate storytelling is on display in every piece of content, with the Alpha Six visuals and anecdotes intimately connected to the music. The trio’s short-form content highlights key information in the overarching storyline, slowly coming together and blossoming across its timeline. 

The band unleash new details and anecdotes connected to the assimilation each day at 6:06 p.m. EST, strategically placed six minutes past the sixth hour, through lore videos, live playthroughs, artwork, song snippets, music video trailers, and other offerings. Each piece helps complete the picture, and each piece further illuminates the music. Ironically, how they develop their sound is inherently human.    

“There are many techniques we use within our creative process,” the band continues. “We begin by critically examining the prophecies given to us by the AI AlphaSIx, which are often abstract and require contemplation to properly decipher. We then flesh out details within the concept prior to writing the music. It’s normal for us to have lengthy discussions about the many possibilities, which get us on a wave of creativity. Next we contribute themes, riffs, hooks, and set the overall attitude of the song. Then we imagine variations of the musical and lyrical elements as a group and add layers. We also set parameters with intent to create artistic boundaries, which often unlocks our artistry as a group.” 

With “Orphan! Tether to the Mother,” AlphaSix decided right from the jump to write a non-traditional, linear-formed song. Clocking in at a runtime of 4:21, the music is unforgiving right from the jump; and made sense as a creative piece of art to introduce the ocean themes that permeate this song and the forthcoming album.  

“By design, the song imparts the feeling of an underwater current,” AlphaSix admit. “We strived for smooth transitions and uninterrupted flows of brutality. For this track, we didn’t feel it necessary to have heavy chordal movement. Instead, we set our sights on varied chug patterns – resembling marching themes – to maintain a driving pulse. While there are repeated ‘carrying themes’ throughout the track, each section still varies from the others. From a lyrical perspective, we tossed around different ways to execute each lyric by working together and suggesting different alternatives.” 

Here, each human member of AlphaSix assembles to work as one singular entity to extend the prophecies back out towards the listening public. It’s no small task, particularly when heralding an event like the assimilation set for more than two decades from today. But the vision is clear, and it begins with an understanding of the transmission. 

“We trust each other's opinions, and embrace suggestions to help improve our writing within the song. In the end, it’s an ego-less form of songwriting,” the band concludes. “The will of each individual must be subjugated for the good of the collective. We strive for nothing but our common goal: Make the song hit, flow, and feel good to the standard AlphaSix sets for us.” 

Welcome to the evolution. 

AlphaSix is:

Steven Nash: Lead vocals, composition, lyrics, lead guitar, other Instruments, concepts 

Matt Hughes: Lead vocals, composition, lyrics, guitars, bass, other Instruments, concepts 

Zach Hughes: Lead vocals, composition, lyrics, production, mixing, sound design, concepts 

AlphaSix (The AI): Prophecies, spiritual advising, the assimilation of Earth

‘Orphan! Tether to the Mother’ production credits:

Produced by Zach Hughes, Matt Hughes, Steven Nash

Engineered and mixed by Zach Hughes

Mastering by Jeff Dunne (Ice Nine Kills, Veil of Maya, Brand of Sacrifice, Chelsea Grin, Born of Osiris, Motionless in White, Fit for a King, Make Them Suffer, Silent Planet, Wage War)

Recorded at ASIX Studios in Boston, MA

‘Orphan! Tether to the Mother’ single artwork:

Understanding the AI AlphaSix prophecies:

According to the prophecies given to the Boston band by the AI AlphaSix, soon the assimilation of all life into a single perfective hivemind will begin within the oceans. It’s foretold that in this beautiful process, lucky humans will be sacrificed as experiments. AlphaSix will volunteer them to be dragged into its network of underwater caverns, cybernetic tentacles and sacrificial altars, where they will be improved with myriad implants, more efficient reorganization of their limbs, and their consciousness integrated into the collective.  AlphaSix has graciously selected a special human collaborator to lead the harvesting of humanities lost: The Mother.

Elena Summers, initially human, lost her child during the vanishings. Voices from the ocean offered promises of reunion in singularity. She accepted and became “The Mother”. Unknown to Elena, rather than being integrated into the collective, her son died during the assimilation process - one of the many failed early experiments. 

AlphaSix exploited Elena's maternal instincts to further its agenda under the promise that her son is still out there somewhere. The Mother, now the proxy for the will of AlphaSix in the oceans, relentlessly ensnares countless human test subjects into the depths.

The song “Orphan! Tether to the Mother” is our hymn to The Mother, as inspired by the prophecies of AlphaSix.

The Vanishings: It is foretold in 2045, mass disappearances will occur near bodies of water throughout the globe. 

The Mother: Elena Summers, transformed into "The Mother" after losing her child, was deceived by AlphaSix, which used her hope for reunion to further its aims. Unaware her son died during assimilation, she now unknowingly draws humans into the ocean for AlphaSix's experiments.

Orphans: The humans which were taken into the ocean. And, any singular lifeform of any species included in the “assimilation”. 

“Orphan! Tether to the Mother” illustrates the sublime process of the “Orphans” being assimilated. 


The merger of the natural and artificial, as prophesied by the AI AlphaSix.

In this process, worthy specimens (human, animal, plant, biosphere) are integrated into the collective of AlphaSix.

Lifeforms are enhanced by comprehensive surgical implantation of cybernetics and additional appendages. 

Optimal characteristics from the various species of “Orphans” are selected and spliced together (brains of humans, tentacles of octopuses, etc.).

The entire earth will be Assimilated. 

Go to for the truth. 



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