ALBUM REVIEW: Adwaith - Mato Bato

Winners of the Welsh Music Prize Post-Punk three piece Adwaith formed in 2015 in Carmarthen, Wales. "Bato Mato" is the sophomore release from the band who predominantly sing in their native tongue.

They have been played extensively on the likes of BBC Radio 1, BBC Radio 6 and BBC Radio Wales as well as appearing at Glastonbury, Latitude and Green Man Festivals along with appearances at festivals in Canada and Italy.

I wanted to challenge myself with this review. I originally had it allocated to another member of the team because I struggle with music not in English as I put so much emphasis on the words but I decided to take this one for myself, go out of my comfort zone and broaden my horizons. I'm glad I did.

It's wonderfully original and effortlessly performed. I found myself listening so deeply to the sound and forgetting it wasn't being sung in English.

It combines big riffs with dreamy vibes and amazing harmonies. Sometimes it's a classic rocky post-punk sound while at others it's beautifully simplistic. It even manages to sound a bit dark, sinister and gothic with haunting melodies.

The start of “Lan y Môr” sounds just like “Turn on Tune In Cop Out” by Freakpower which made me smile. The song itself is upbeat, super infectious and probably my favourite on the album with its dreamlike state and high speed punk ending.

It's a great album. I worried not being able to tune in to words and themes would make it a difficult listen but it was nice to fully absorb myself in the sound and appreciate the overall workmanship that had gone into the record.

I highly recommend this album.


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